  • 學位論文


The research of Taiwan`s army officer`s financial planning skills

指導教授 : 吳昭彥


在國軍這個體系中有各式各樣的國軍人員在,或許在外界的一般人們眼中,俬乎覺所掌握到的理財投資資訊或資源並不多,但能透過此研究來達到一般國軍人員不會去注意的一些理財投資觀念,進而增進國軍官士兵的基本投資理財素養。一般性的投資理財的方式,可分為兩大類,一為保守派,為定存類愛好者,屬於低風險、低獲率之投資方式,二為積極派,多為海外基金,股票類屬於高風險,高獲率的投資的方式,另外針對國軍官士兵對線上網際網路自主學習課程的方式運用達成在軍旅期間自我理財目標及期許,投資理財不能只靠運氣,是要找到方法、一種工具,簡單易懂方便管理,不要超出自己的能力範圍去而去瞭解一些太複雜的金融理財商品,如果不貪心的話,定期、定額真的是一個不錯的方式,且能分散投資風險而創造長期穩定的投資獲利。 舉例投資理財者要像開店老闆一樣,每個月都固定有一筆金錢來進貨,價格漲,買的數量就少、價格跌,買的數量就多,把貨物統統屯到倉庫,等價錢較好的時候再拿出來賣,那又怎麼會賠錢。但是在股市投資者可不是這樣想的,股票跌了就會怕,看到帳面虧錢就想趕緊賣出,股票漲了,賺錢了反而不會脫手賣出,股票輸贏就在這一念間。最後根據此研究結果提出後續建議,希望提供國軍弟兄們相關投資理財訊作為根態度,進而提升國軍官士兵理財規畫素養能力,以供及後續研究之參考。




All kinds of countries in this system of military servicemen, perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people in the outside world, furniture and sleep available investment information or resources is not much, but can be reached through this research general military staff not to pay attention to some investment ideas, and officers soldiers of the promotion of the basic investment literacy. General of investment financial of way, can is divided into two big class, a for conservative, for set save class lovers, belongs to low risk, and low was rate of investment way, II for active sent, more for overseas Fund, stock class belongs to high risk, high was rate of investment of way, addition for country officers soldiers on online Internet independent learning courses of way using reached in military during self financial target and the expectations, investment financial cannot only by luck, is to found method, and a tool, simple understand convenient management, Do not exceed the limits of their capacity to understand some of the complex financial products, if not greed, periodic, fixed is a really good way, and can diversify risk and create a long-term and stable investment profits. Finance and investment as well as shop owner, for example, every month an amount of money to purchase fixed, prices, buying less quantity, prices fall, buy more than the number of, Tun to the warehouse stock, better price when sold out, what will lose money. But stock market investors may not think so, the stock would be scared, see the book lost money wants to sell, stock, make money but do not sell sell stock win in this study. Finally, according to follow-up on the results of this study suggested that hopes to provide military brethren related investment as attitudes, thereby enhancing the financial planning officer soldier literacy, for reference and follow-up research.




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