  • 學位論文


Explor the Implementation Differences in Occupational Health Promotion from Occupational Health Nursers’ Perspective

指導教授 : 謝幸燕


台灣產業結構改變,勞工普遍處在長工時及高工作負荷環境,導致職業引起疾病,故職場健康促進顯得非常重要。為配合職業安全法大幅修正,勞工健康保護規則也於2014時大幅修訂,而職業護生護理人員(簡稱職護)也從這一次的修法,更加確立角色、功能及資格。 本研究目的在瞭解職護,執行職場健康促進活動的方式、內容及業務內容,進一步討論不同的事業單位,辦理職場健康促進的方式及內容差異,解釋不同事業單位出現差異的原因。採用質性研究,以半結構訪談蒐集資料,受訪事業單位家數總計有22家,受訪者人數總計有24人,種類有製造業、教育訓練服務業、醫療保健服務業、旅館業、休閒服務業、公共事業。 研究發現職護辦理職場健康促進活動,在執行上差異如下:一、工作性質不需即時提供服務較能夠在上班時間執行,而工作性質具即時性或不可取代性則需要在下班時間辦理。二、活動內容的豐富度大不同,有上級的支持會更加豐富。三、職責範圍和部門分工有著模糊、重疊的現象,常有工作範疇不明確、定位模糊和功能分散的問題。事業單位間的差異主要來自工作時間的安排、主管的態度、職護所屬的部門與職務安排。


Due to the industrial structure changes in Taiwan, laborers generally work for long with heavy load, which leads to occupational hazards. Therefore, workplace health promotion is very important. In alignment with substantial amendment of Occupation Safety Act, Labor Health Protection Rules also had a major amendment in 2014, and “occupational health nurses” therefore ensured its role, function and qualification through this amendment. The study aims to comprehend the ways of performing occupational health promotion events, contents and job descriptions of occupational health nurses and have further discussions on different business units and approaches and content differences of hosting occupational health promotion to interpret the reason differences exist between different business units. Qualitative Research is used in this study, and data collection introduces semi structured interview with 24 interviewee from 22 business units. The industries cover manufacturing industry, education training service industry, medical service industry, hotel industry, recreational service industry and public business. The study finds the occupational health nurses hosting occupational health promotion events have execution differences as the following: I. The promotion can be performed during working hours on occupations featuring non-instant service, while the promotion can only be done after working hours if the occupations are instant and irreplaceable. II. The richness of event contents varies, and the content can be enriched with supervisors’ supports. III. Vagueness and overlapping exist between scope of duty and function division. Moreover, occupational health nurses often encounter problems such as lack of clarity about what their duties cover, the roles they play, and lack of focus on their functions. Differences between business units are mainly originated from arrangements of working time, attitude of supervisors, functions the occupational health nurses are affiliated to and duty arrangements.


