  • 學位論文


A Study of Emotional Labor to Turnover Intention - Work Stress as the Mediator

指導教授 : 劉鴻陞 蕭宏金


陸軍近年來為因應募兵制衍生的人力不足問題,擴大基層單位招募工作頻次與力度,試圖以龐大的生力軍來解決編現比不足的問題,然而平時訓練任務及日常性業務並未能隨著人員精簡而減少,官兵長期在高壓力、高倦怠感及高情緒耗竭的環境中工作,也產生了留營率逐年降低問題。 本研究依照研究者從軍的經驗中擷取出「情緒勞務」及「工作壓力」等兩項具有較多人迴響的變項來對陸軍官兵離職傾向做探討,研究對象以第四作戰區某聯兵旅(研究者曾服役的單位)之官兵為主,利用問卷方式蒐集樣本數據,有效樣本為288份,並以SPSS 20統計軟體實施統計分析。 經過實證分析後,本研究獲得以下結論:(1)情緒勞務對工作壓力具有正向顯著影響,(2)工作壓力對離職傾向具有正向顯著影響,(3)情緒勞務對離職傾向具有正向顯著影響,(4)工作壓力在情緒勞務對離職傾向的影響上存在完全中介效果。 綜上所述,期望研究結果能幫助陸軍在研擬人力政策時可以有效提升優質官兵的留營率,打造完善的溝通管道與友善的工作環境,使服役中的優秀人才願意續留服務,才能達成留優汰劣的精兵政策。


In recent years, the army has expanded the frequency and intensity of recruitment of grassroots units in response to the problem of insufficient manpower derived from the enlisting system, and tried to solve the problem of insufficient deploying personnel ratio with a huge fresh troop. However, the usual training tasks and daily operations have not been reduced with the streamlining of personnel. The long-term work of officers and soldiers in an environment of high stress, high burnout, and high emotional exhaustion has also caused the problem of decreasing re-enlistment rate year by year. Based on the researcher’s experience in the military, two variables that have more repercussions, such as "emotional labor" and "work stress," are used to explore the tendency of army officers and soldiers to leave their posts. The research objects are mainly the officers and soldiers of a combined arms (a unit where the researcher has served) in the fourth combat zone. Questionnaires are used to collect the sample data, 288 valid samples are obtained, and the statistical analysis is carried out with SPSS 20 statistical software. After the empirical analysis, this research gets the following conclusions: (1) Emotional labor has a positive and significant influence on work stress. (2) Work stress has a positive and significant influence on turnover tendency. (3) Emotional labor has a positive and significant influence on turnover tendency. (4) Work stress has a completely intermediary effect on the influence of emotional labor on turnover tendency. In summary, it is hoped that the research results can help the army effectively increase the re-enlistment rate of high-quality officers and soldiers when formulating the manpower policies, create a complete communication channel and a friendly working environment, and enable the outstanding personnel in service to be willing to continue to serve, thereby achieving a policy of picked troops to keep the superior and eliminating the inferior.


Army emotional labor work stress turnover intention


