  • 學位論文


Influences between the family background of elementary students and BMI

指導教授 : 李建興
共同指導教授 : 晏揚清(Yang-Ching Yen)


現今學校看到學童胖弟胖妹越來越多,肥胖年齡亦有逐漸降低的趨勢,職教二十幾年的感概與使命,激起了本研究探討,國小學童家庭背景對身體質量指數之影響。以高雄市樣本小學學童一至六年級,每年級抽取二個班級學童為研究樣本,共327人(男生172人;女生155人)為研究對象,由調查學生測量身高體重健康檢查表紀錄了各年級學童肥胖狀況,並以問卷方式,取得學童基本資料(包括年级、班別、性別、身高、體重、居住狀況、平日「主要教養者」、放學後安置)及家長基本資料(含學童父母婚姻狀況、是否有外籍配偶、主要教養者的教育程度、家庭平均月收入及學童「教養者」職業),所得資料經由敘述性統計、變異數檢定、皮爾遜相關分析等統計方法,加以處理分析,以了解家庭背景因素對身體質量指數之影響。 研究結果顯示:學童家庭背景因素,影響身體質量指數最顯著,一般多在於正發育成長中六年級學童;與祖父母同住;主要教養者其教育程度為國、高中;其收入每月平均3萬以下,整日在外上班工作,加班賺錢,孩子放學直接到課後照顧班。因此在生活環境裡,學童家庭背景因素中往往較容易忽略飲食均衡營養,而長輩(祖父母)疼寵孫子,怕其挨餓,供應飲食多為過量,營養過盛,因此,身體質量指數(BMI)值較高。 另一方面,影響身體質量指數 (BMI) ,在教養者如是父母親,其高教育程度、高階職業、高收入者,對孩子食物選擇性高,較注重飲食均衡營養,因此,身體質量指數(BMI)值較低。 因此,藉由本個案研究,探討國小學童家庭背景對身體質量指數 (BMI) 之影響所研究結果,建議可做學校家庭教育親子講座、晨間公播教學宣導、健康與體育領域教學內容及學校課間活動之參考。


Nowadays more and more overweight children are in the schools, and the age of obesity gradually decreased. Twenty years of teaching and the sense of duty arouse me to do this study. The purse of this study was to discuss the influences between the family background of elementary students and Body Mass Index. 327 subjects are students who are in two classes from first to sixth grades in Kaohsiung city. To investigate students’ obesity is based on the weight and the height on the forms of Health Check. Meanwhile, to collect students’ personal information (including the grade, the class, the gender, the weight , the height, the living status, the main caregiver and where to go after school) and parents’ personal information are based on questionnaires (including the marital status, the foreign spouse, the level of education, the average of monthly income and the occupation). The researcher analyzed the data with Descriptive Statistics Analysis, Analysis of Variance and Person Correlation Analysis to realize the influences between the family background of elementary students and Body Mass Index. The main findings of this study are included as follows: First, there is a significant influence between family background and Body Mass Index. It normally occurs to sixth-grade students who live with grandparents. Their main caregiver is in a low level of education with monthly incomes beneath thirty thousands. The main caregiver works all day. Because of the family background, elders (grandparents) offer too much food and ignore the balanced diet. Then these kind of elementary students become overweight. Therefore Their Body Mass Index is higher. On the other hand, the main caregiver with a high level of education, a high level of position and more incomes offer selected food, Emphasize on the balanced diet. As a result their Body Mass Index is lower. Thus, according to the above findings, it shows that the family background is influential factors in Body Mass Index. The result of this study can be the reference in the parent-child forum, teaching guidance in PE classes and in break-time activities.


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