  • 學位論文


Study of Fiber and Nd:YAG LASER techniques for the repair welding of the powder metallurgy Cu-Ni-Si-Cr+Al2O3

指導教授 : 王惠森


為探討熱處理前後與Fiber LASER及Nd:YAG銲接參數對Cu-Ni-Si-Cr+Al2O3合金銲接修補特性之影響,本研究將透過Nd:YAG及Fiber LASER銲接技術,搭配銲前、銲後固溶及時效熱處理及不同銲接參數設計,對粉末冶金製成的Cu-Ni-Si-Cr+Al2O3(Cu-7.04Ni-1.70Si-0.42Cr+1.1Al2O3)合金進行銲接修補。並針對銲接修補後試片,進行銲後熱處理提升銲補件的機械強度。後續將針對銲前及銲後熱處理之試片進行微組織觀察、成分分析、機械性質及熱物性質之分析及比較。 實驗結果顯示,Cu-Ni-Si-Cr+Al2O3合金經Nd:YAG及Fiber LASER銲補件進行固溶時效熱處理後,兩者之強化機制非常的相似,藉由TEM微組織觀察結果得知,兩種銲接程序所產生WFZ析出強化相皆為奈米級δ-Ni2Si及α-Al2O3與γ-Al2O3,而HAZ的Grain A及Grain B析出強化相為δ-Ni2Si。時效熱處理後Nd:YAG在WFZ、HAZ及未受熱影響之各區域其硬度值最低308 Hv,最高可至328 Hv,透過最低硬度值可預估銲補件拉伸強度可達807 MPa以上,熱傳導係數可達135 W/mK;而Fiber LASER在WFZ、HAZ及未受熱影響區之各區域其硬度值305 Hv,最高可至329 Hv,透過最低硬度值可預估銲補件拉伸強度接近800 MPa,熱傳導係數可達到133 W/mK以上。在經過時效熱處理後無論是Nd:YAG或Fiber LASER其不同區域硬度值,與傳統鑄件時效6小時相比,時效8小時反而在銲補件的WFZ,HAZ及母材皆具有較佳硬度值,根據最低硬度值與拉伸強度及熱傳導係數關係圖,其拉伸強度與熱傳導係數皆符合模具材料要求。


To study the effects of LASER welding parameters and heat treatment processes on the repair welding characteristics of Cu-Ni-Si-Cr+Al2O3 mold alloy, this study used Nd:YAG and Fiber LASER processes with various pre-or post- (solution and aging heat treatment) welding heat treatment processes to repair welding of Cu-7.04Ni-1.70Si-0.42Cr+1.1Al2O3 alloy, the microstructure, mechanical properties, composition analysis and thermal properties of the tested samples were then analyzed and compared. The experimental results show, after post-welding heat treatment of Nd:YAG and Fiber LASER repair welded samples, the strengthen mechanism of both welds are similar. In the both welds, by means of TEM inspections, nanoscale δ-Ni2Si, α-Al2O3 and γ-Al2O3 precipitates were observed in the weld fusion zone (WFZ) and nanoscale δ-Ni2Si was observed in the Grain A and Grain B of the heat affected zone (HAZ), respectively. Regarding to the mechanical and thermal properties, referred to the hardness values, the tensile strength value of the Nd:YAG welds is statistically estimated to 807 MPa, and the thermal conductivity is about 135 W/mK; For the Fiber LASER welds, the tensile strength value is statistically estimated about 800 MPa, and the thermal conductivity is about 133W/mK. Furthermore, compared to the traditional Cu-Ni-Si-Cr casting alloy (ageing heat treatment of 6h was suggested), for the Cu-Ni-Si-Cr+Al2O3 alloy, aging heat treatment of 8h has better performance than that of 6 hours.


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