  • 學位論文


Ecological impacts and improvement strategies of sightseeing fishing port:A case study of SanFu, Liugiu, Taiwan

指導教授 : 廖健森
共同指導教授 : 林鐵雄(Tin-Syong Lin)


漁港是海岸工程重要的一環,人類依靠於漁港與海洋資源進行交流,而漁港多半建設於潮間帶之上,由於潮間帶為提供陸生動物與水生動物進行接觸之場域,於是漁港成了潮間帶物種生存壓力之一;小琉球位於高屏溪口西南方約14公里,西北方連接台灣海峽,東南方有巴士海峽與太平洋連接,於黑潮與南海潮汐相互交匯處,所以生物多樣性高,為重要的生態棲地,其形勢東西狹窄,東西最寬處僅2公里,南北長4.1公里,與台灣本島地形類似,全島係由珊瑚礁岩構成,共有4處漁港,分別為白沙、大寮、杉福與海口子漁港,由於白沙港為主要觀光船停泊之港口加上周邊漁港建設多,故潮間帶現地調查不易,大福港則是由於地勢較陡加上水深驟降及船隻較多之因素,未納入潮間帶現地調查之選項,海口子漁港則是由於潮間帶生態相不明顯加上範圍較小,同樣未納入潮間帶現地調查之選項,本研究目的以底棲生物整合指標(Benthic Index of Biotic Integrity, B-IBI)與香濃威納指數(Shannon-Weaver Index)分析全年杉福漁港對周邊潮間帶生態相之影響,再以皮爾森相關係數進行相關性分析。研究結果發現:一、全年各組合之B-IBI平均值趨勢圖與全年各組合之B-IBI變化量百分比趨勢圖之皮爾森相關係數為高度負相關(-0.904),研判漁港右外側存在家庭污水直接排入潮間帶之現象,可能成為生態衝擊之因素;二、全年各組合之香濃指數平均值趨勢圖與9種組合各月份之B-IBI變化量百分比趨勢圖之皮爾森相關係數為高度正相關(0.771),研判漁港左外側之消波塊,可能降低物種遷徙之能力,導致生物多樣性降低,同時也破壞整體生態相;三、距離港口越遠之潮間帶區域生態相越好,反之則會下降,顯示漁港對潮間帶之生態帶來一定程度之衝擊。


Fishing port is an important part of coastalengineering. Tidal flats are the habitat of many terrestrial and aquatic organisms, therefore fishing port structures will become the ecological impacts of tidal flat. Liugiu is an off-shore island of Taiwan. It was located at the southwest site of Taiwan. Since Kuroshio and other ocean currents were crossed to Liugiu, it has the high biodiversity. SanFu sightseeing fishing port is one of the fishing ports in Liugiuisland and it is locaterd at the biggest tidal flat of Liugiu island. Therefore, the aims of this study are used some statistical softwares, such as Benthic Index of Biotic Integrity (B-IBI) and Shannon-Weaver Index, to analyze the ecologicalbiodiversity changes. After that we used Pearson correlation coefficient to analyze the correlation and estimated the ecological impacts of tidal flat by SanFu fishing port. Finially, we will provide some suggestions and strategies to improve these ecological impacts. According to the results of this study, we found that the Pearson correlation coefficient of average trend and variation percentage of whole year B-IBI showed the high negative correlation (-0.904). It means that domestic polluted water from the right site of fishing port should be the factor of tidal flat ecological impacts. Secondly, the Pearson correlation coefficient of average trend of whole year Shannon-Weaver Index and variation percentage of 9 combination B-IBIs showed the high posttive correlation (0.771). It means that clipping blocks from the leaf site of fishing port might decrease the migratory ability of organisms and cause the decrease of biodiversity. In the end, the ecological phases of outer fishing port were better and worse inside the fishing port. This finding showed that the SanFu sightseeing fishing port should cause the ecological impacts of Liugiu tidal flat.


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