  • 學位論文


The Less-is-better Effect: Analysis of Cognitive Algebra Approach

指導教授 : 張寧


「少即是多效應」是因評估情境的不同而導致的偏好逆轉現象,可藉由實驗結果直接觀測。同時也說明當消費者在做選擇時,不只考慮其眼前的物品價值,亦會受到其他因素干擾。過往學者以可評價性假說為此現象作探討,但無從得知不能直觀的人類心理認知之運作。   本研究以可探究個人內在認知過程的資訊整合理論為基礎,參考Hsee (1998) 經典的餐具實驗要素,以「購買動機(自用與送禮)」與「資訊呈現(文字與圖像)」兩個面向為受測者間變項,區分為四種案例系絡;以及採用「餐具組合件數」與「胡椒罐瑕疵情形」為受測者內變項,設計3×3因子的實驗情境。在四種案例系絡中,藉由受測者對實驗情境所願意支付金額為反應值,以獲得受測者所採用的認知代數模式。   研究結果發現,在80位合格受測者中,有43位採用相加模式,28位採用平均模式(包含4位等權重平均模式與24位不等權重平均模式),顯示少即是多效應確實存在。而效應的來源可能來自受測者所採取的資訊整合模式種類,或是因子權重受因子心理值影響而產生的變動。在模式採取方面,受測者會受到購買動機與資訊呈現之影響而有採用不同模式。當動機為自用時,受測者較多數採用相加模式;而在動機為送禮時,受測者較多採用平均模式。受測者面對文字呈現的資訊時,較多數採用相加模式;而對圖像呈現的資訊,則多數採用平均模式。在送禮-圖像的案例系絡中,更有高達80%的受測者採用平均模式。另外教育程度也影響模式的採用,大學學歷以上的受測者較專科以下的受測者更傾向採用相加模式。在權重變動方面,婚姻狀況、年齡、教育程度、職業對因子的權重均有顯著影響。   本研究據此建議,對採取相加模式的消費者,因為不會發生少即是多效應,應盡量提供產品的正面資訊,以提高購買意願;而對採取平均模式的消費者,應提供單一最佳屬性的資訊,而非更多資訊,以免發生少即是多效應,反而降低購買意願。而購買情境的操弄,則可能可以改變消費者所採取的模式。例如,圖像較文字的資訊呈現方式,更易引發消費者以平均模式結合資訊。而在聯合評估的情境中,消費者會傾向採取相加模式。因此,面臨多種競爭商品時,將自家產品的優勢全面展出,讓消費者接收越多正向資訊,越可以產生好的評價。而產品強調送禮或自用,也應該搭配不同的行銷策略。


'Less-is-better effect' describes the phenomena of preference reversals in different situations. It emphasis that consumers make decision based on not only the total value but also various factors. Previous researches explained the less-is-better effect by the evaluability hypothesis but not enough to catch the actual functioning of the human cognition.   On the foundation of the IIT (Information Integration Theory) concerning intrinsic cognition, the study has conducted the experiment with factors referring to the classic dinnerware case (Hsee, 1998), dividing the subjects by two between-subjects variables, purchase motivation (for personal use or for gift) and presentation of information (by graphic or by text), into four separate contextual cases. Furthermore, with two within-subjects variables, 'quantities of the dinnerware' and 'integrity of pepper pot', the experiment employed a three by three factorial design. The results could demonstrate the algebraic model subjects used by responding the amount of money subjects willing to pay in each situation.   The results showed that among eighty qualified participants, forty-three of them were conform to adding rule, and twenty-eight subjects were conform to averaging rule (including four equal-weighted ones and twenty four differential-weighted ones), which revealed the existence of less-is-better effect. The effect could be due to the subjects' own algebraic models, or the weights of factors varying with their own scale values. As the algebraic models, the subjects were greatly influenced by their purchase motivation and the presentation of information; majority of subjects behaved accord with adding rule in the context for personal use but with averaging rule in the context for gift; as for the presentation of information, more subjects were apt to adding rule facing text information, but to averaging rule encountering graphic information. As many as eighty percent of subjects were conform to averaging rule in the gift-graphic contextual case. Besides, education background was also a variable affecting subject's cognition, as subjects with college or above degrees more inclined to select adding rule than subjects under sub-degree. The weights of factors were also significantly impacted by marriage status, age, education, and career.   This study concludes that consumers conformed to adding rule are unlikely to show less-is-better effect, and more positive enforcements would only motivate them to purchase. On the contrary, for those consumers are apt to averaging rule, providing the sole optimal information could avoid less-is-better effect, thus best maintains their purchasing interests. Otherwise, we should consider the alteration of consumers' behavior by situation manipulations; for example: the graphical information tends to trigger averaging rule than text one; joint evaluation tends to lead consumers acting accord with adding rule comparing to separate evaluation. Therefore, in a highly competitive market, the ideal strategy is to demonstrate as many selling points to the consumers as possible, since it would generate more positive feedback. Also, it's essential to design different marketing strategy according to the targeted consumer purposes, like for personal use or gift.


