  • 學位論文


Analysis of the Behavior of Internet Fraud

指導教授 : 吳有龍


近年來,網路購物或拍賣的蓬勃發展有目共睹。網路購物或拍賣交易兼具便利性與隱蔽性,且不受時間與空間的限制,使得交易量逐年顯著提升。然而,面對如此蓬勃的交易平臺,許多詐騙者開始混雜其中,謀取不法利益。詐騙的方式不但多樣化,且經常隨著時間、環境改變,令人防不勝防。 本研究者於擔任警職以來,對於網路詐騙、詐欺案等相關模式有所了解,對於詐騙行為深受國人厭惡,深覺此議題有待深入探討,從中取得相關觀點,提出有利各查緝詐騙單位之意見。因此,透過近年來警政署及刑事局等相關單位查獲詐騙案例,以蒐集、整理、統計、分析等方法,找出預防詐騙犯罪之方法及提升相關查緝作為方法。 研究結果發現,全臺灣有將近10萬人從事詐騙犯罪,每年詐騙金額高達百億元新臺幣。其成員非常年輕,而且還不斷招募培訓新人。詐騙犯罪行為對於國家稅收、財政、安全及經濟具有深遠影響。面對網絡詐騙犯罪的高增長和蔓延趨勢,加強對網絡犯罪的研究,不斷強化和完善各種預防和打擊網絡犯罪的手段,具有重要的現實意義。 目前網路詐騙犯罪現象越來越嚴重,已經影響到我國網路經濟的建設步伐。為此,研究建議主要為完善法律規範、嚴厲打擊網路詐騙犯罪分子、凈化網際網路環境,對於保障公眾的合法權益,確保推進網際網路的健康發展和社會的和諧穩定,都有相當重要的意義。


網路詐騙 網路犯罪 警政署


In recent years, the online shopping or auctions has been developing. Both ways are convenient and highly concealed, and are not limited by the time and space, which makes the volume of transaction significantly increasing year after year. However, many scammers obtain illegal interests from these trading markets. Internet scamming has diversity and change with time and environment, making it hard to prevent. Since serving as the police, the researcher has learned about the pattern of Internet scamming and frauding. The fraudulent behavior has been cast aside by the nation. This issue needs to be further explored and propose useful information to the fraudulent unit. Therefore, the National Police Agency(NPA) and the Criminal Investigation Bureau(CIB) have collected, sorted, compiled, analyzed through these Internet scamming cases in recent years, in order to find out ways to prevent Internet scamming and improving searching skills. As a result, there are nearly 100,000 people are engaged in Internet scamming in Taiwan, and the amount of illegal interest are NT$10 billion per year. The Scammers are young and they constantly recruiting new members. Internet scamming far-reaching implications for national taxation, finance, security, and the economy. Faced the Internet scamming that has been growing and spreading , it is important that strengthening research on cybercrime and perfecting various means of preventing. At present, the phenomenon of online fraud is becoming more and more serious, which has affected the construction of internet economy. To this end, the researcher recommended that we should improve the laws and regulations, crack down on Internet scammers, and clean the Internet environment. It is important to protect the legitimate rights and interests , development of the Internet and promote the harmony and stability of the society.


一、陳啟光、許詩宏、蔡政和、謝安晉 (2004)。電話詐騙實證案例分析研究-建構低欺騙偵知線索環境之認知互動模式。管理學報,25(3),333-357。
