  • 學位論文


Discussion on Quality Satisfaction of Catering Service – Take the Institution Food of the Army for Example

指導教授 : 劉姚伶


本研究目的在探討部隊餐廳團膳服務品質重視程度與滿意程度的關係,主要以接訓常備兵役單位為探討標的,採用問卷調查法,並設定對象為常備兵役軍事訓練役男,共計發放352份問卷,有效參考問卷計300份,有效回收率為85.22%。藉由描述性統計分析、信度分析、成對樣本t檢定及重要性-績效分析模式(IPA:Importance Performance Analysis)等作法來探討部隊團膳服務品質管理的優、劣勢狀況,可做為部隊餐廳決策者改善產品及服務品質之參考。從IPA分析團膳服務品質結果整理出優先改善項目,包括空調設備要充足、愉悅用餐氣氛、加強餐具清洗、重視水果的品質及份量、飯量及菜量要充足、主食多變化、菜餚可供應特餐等。並根據IPA分析結果,對加強改善項目提出8項建議,以期改善部隊團膳服務品質,提昇官兵的滿意度。


The purpose of this study is to understand the affection between the degree of attention and the degree of satisfaction for the catering services of the Army restaurants. The main target is Military Regular Service Training Units where the object of study is Regular Service draftees who are receiving their military training. The questionnaire survey procedure is used and a total of 352 questionnaires are distributed and effective recycling questionnaires are 300, with an effective recycling rate of 85.22%. Through the use of Descriptive Statistical Analysis, Reliability Analysis, Paired Sample t test and the Importance and Performance Analysis model (IPA Importance Performance Analysis) to explore the advantages and disadvantages of the quality management of the Army catering service which can be used by Army restaurant decision makers as references to improve their products as well as service qualities. From the results of IPA analysis on catering service quality, a list of prioritized improvement items is sorted out. They are: adequate air conditioning equipment, pleasant dining atmosphere and surroundings, tableware cleaning, attention to fruit quality and the volume, sufficient amount of foods, variety of main courses, and cooked foods served as special meals. Based on IPA analysis, this study also summarizes a total of 8 recommendations in order to improve the quality of the Army catering service thereby promotes the satisfaction of military officers and men.


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