  • 學位論文


Experiment and numerical simulation on artificial solar beam due to the effect of air humidity

指導教授 : 陳建霖


本研究旨在設計製造一太陽熱能實驗平台,可裝載濕度筒並控制其內部相對濕度之穩定,接著測量其溫度與輻照度;此外也利用菲涅爾透鏡匯聚光線產生較高的熱能,探討在不同相對濕度的影響下太陽光模擬燈具能量之變化。經實驗結果發現控制區域之相對濕度為影響溫度的重要因素,另外本研究也探討以數值漫射率參數模擬濕度程度的可行性。而濕度從 40%提升至 90%會降低模擬光源的能量,相對濕度 90%時,輻照度衰減率最高會達到3.96%、平均輻照度下降 34.6 W/m2,實驗與數值模擬的中心溫度偏差值,平均偏差值為2.92%,偏差值最低為相對濕度40%的2.01%,最高為相對濕度60%的4.36%。


In this study, the solar thermal experimental platform has been designed and manufactured. A humidity barrel can be mounted and the relative humidity inside can be controlled steadily and the temperature and illumination can be measured. In addition, higher thermal energy can be obtained by a Fresnel lens to study the efficiency of solar simulator under the influence of different relative humidity. It was found that the relative humidity of the controlled zone is an important factor that influence temperature. Moreover, the feasibility of numerical irradiance to represent humidity has been studied. As the humidity is increased from 40% to 90%, the efficiency of solar thermal energy will be reduced. When the relative humidity reach 90%, the irrdiance attenuation rate will be as high as 3.96% and the average irrdiance will decrease 34.6 W/m2 and center temperature deviated value of experiments and numerical simulations, the average deviated value is 2.92%, lowest deviated value is 2.01%, when the relative humidity at 40%, highest is 4.36% when the relative humidity at 60%.


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