  • 學位論文


Relationship between speech articulation of monosyllable and inter-aural cross-correlation in an indoor sound field

指導教授 : 陳炯堯


凡是人群集中的空間須考慮到火警緊急廣播的重要性;如車站、醫院、劇院、電影院……等,必須能夠聽清楚內容是相當重要的。因此,空間語音清晰性能評估法,語音傳輸指標(speech transmission index, STI)就在此被提倡出來。Houtgast, Steeneken and Plomp(1980)首先提出調變轉移函數(modulation transfer function, MTF)與STI等物理指標來量化空間語音訊號傳遞的品質。而空間中聽者之雙耳的聽覺效應與STI之影響卻很少有人去探討。 Morimoto(2007)曾以噪音跟日語討論聲場的迴響時間與雙耳互函數級數(magnitude of interaural cross-correlation function ,IACC)交替影響下,語音可聽程度的影響。發現訊噪比(signal to noise ratio, SN)在 -10 dB ~ 10 dB的範圍與迴響時間在0.5s ~ 4.0s之間改變IACC條件下,對於可聽程度沒有太大的影響。只有在SN較低的時候(-10 dB以下), IACC的改變會影響可聽程度。但研究中IACC條件變化範圍僅於0.5 ~ 1.0之間。本研究則著眼於增加IACC的變化範圍,且同時檢討雙耳互函數遲延時間(delay time of inter-aural cross-correlation function ,τIACC)與空間語音清晰性能的關係;而心理實驗方法以配對比較法來進行,以求得單音節語音之聽取明瞭度與IACC之關聯性。 研究結果發現:1. 單音節語音之聽取明瞭度會受到迴響時間影響(p<0.001);而在不同之IACC改變下並沒有顯著差異(p>0.05)。2. 迴響時間與IACC是兩個相互獨立的因子(p>0.05)。


The importance of a fire alarm broadcasting system should be taken into consideration for places where many people would gather such as train stations, hospitals, theaters, cinemas and so on. The same important is that the broadcast content must be able to be clearly heard. For this, a spatial speech intelligibility evaluation method and STI (speech transmission index) were presented. In 1980, the physical indices of MTF (modulation transfer function) and STI were first put forth by Houtagst, Steeneken and Plomp to quantify the quality of speech transmission. However, very few researches have been conducted on listeners’ binaural effect and the influence of STI. Morimoto (2007) once used noises and Japanese language to examine the influece of a sound field’s reverberation time and IACC (magnitude of interaural cross-correlation fucntion) on speech intelligibility. It was found that under an IACC condition where SN (signal-to-noise ratio) was between -10dB ~10dB and reverberation time varied between 0.5s ~ 4.0s, no obvious changes were noticed in speech intelligibility, and that only when SN was lower than -10dB, would the change of IACC affect speech intelligibility. However, in Morimoto’s research, the scope of IACC change was limited to a scope between 0.5 ~1.0. Accordingly, this study focused on a broadened IACC scope, the delay time of interaural cross-correlation function (τIACC), and adopted a comparison method of pair-based psychological experiment to identify the correlation between speech articulation of monosyllable and IACC. Below are the findings of this study:1. The speech articulation of monosyllable could be affected by reverberation time (p<0.001), and no significant changes were noticed with the change of IACC (p>0.05)2. Reverberation time and IACC were two factors that were independent of each other (p>0.05).


10.陳炯堯、張淳華,2000,” 雙耳互函數與聲源方向感度之探討-以兩反射音模擬聲場為例,” 朝陽設計學報,1, p101-114。
12.陳炯堯、林葳,2002,“台灣地區華語之聲場語音清晰度評價測定法研究”, ,中華民國建築學報,43, p27-36.
13.陳炯堯、詹旻獻,2006,”中文語音清晰度與訊號自函數之關聯性研究 - 以台灣地區華語為主”,中華民國建築學報,57, p55-68。


