  • 學位論文


Study of Non-Standard Concrete Property Using Recycled Hollow Pavement Masonry Block

指導教授 : 張子修


本研究使用廢棄中空植草磚經碎化篩選後替代標準混凝土之粗骨材,對再生混凝土探討其相關工程及力學性質及替代標準混凝土粗骨材使用之可能性。 由本研究實驗結果得知在水灰比0.5、1和1.5之再生混凝土其28天強度分別可達309.18 kg/cm2,104.17 kg/cm2,41.1 kg/cm2與標準混凝土相較之下皆達其強度之70%至75%。整體而言在水灰比0.5、1.0與1.5時使用100%再生骨材之再生混凝土與標準混凝土(完全使用天然骨材)抗壓強度百分比相差異不超過30%,尤其在再生骨材代替率小於40%時其強度差異更小於10%。一般而言,實驗結果顯示使用再生骨材之混凝土其磨損量較標準混凝土增加至130%~260%,而在水灰比0.5時最高更可增至300%以上。 本研究結果認為再生混凝土可用於興建次要結構物,如駁坎、圍牆等工程、CLSM(控制性低強度材料)、人行路面、自行車專用道及廣場鋪設。


This study used crushed pieces of hollow pavement masonry block as an alternative coarse aggregate for concrete mix by examining the related engineering and mechanical properties of the concrete to study the feasibility of future application not only to reduce the quantity but also to create additional value of the recycled material as beneficial rather than costly construction waste. The results from this study indicate the 28-day strength of recycled concrete with water ratio of 0.5 1.0 and 1.5 were up to 309.18 kg/cm2, 104.17 kg/cm2, and 41.1 kg/cm2, respectively, which are about 70% ~ 75% of the standard concrete without using recycled aggregate. Overally speaking, the difference in compression strength between the recycled concrete and standard concrete were no more than 30%, however when recycled aggregate used less than 40%, the difference is less than 10%. In general, the experiment results show that the abrasion of the concrete specimens increases with increasing recycled aggregate percentage used, which is in the range of 130 ~ 260%. It should be noticed that the increase of abrasion can be up to more than 300% for recycled concrete with water cement ratio of 0.5. The study conclude that the recycled concrete can be used for the construction of secondary structures such as minor river levee, pipeline excavation, CLSM (controlled low strength material), pedestrian walkway, bicycle lanes and paved farmland passage.




