  • 學位論文


Application of Analytical Hierarchy Analysis in the Examination of Indicators for Sustainable Developments in Taiwan

指導教授 : 王順成 白子易


本研究以應用層級分析法 (Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP) 理論,探討學者、政府機關、環保團體、與一般民眾等四種身份別,針對台灣永續發展指標之看法與意見,從回收之有效問卷資料輸入電腦,藉由Microsoft Excel電腦軟體設計之程式來進行各項統計之分析,並獲得各要素準則層之間的權重關係,經彙整分析後找出彼此間之共同觀點,而獲得本研究結果,同時也可以當作政府在推動台灣永續發展時之參考。研究者藉由相關的文獻探討設計問卷,並於回收問卷後,經由一致性檢定,篩檢出有效問卷,以求控制結果的可信度,透過層級分析法之成對比較,進而獲得準則間相對重要性的權重值,提供有效資訊作為將來政府相關單位作參考。本研究分析探討的結果如下: 一、在評估要素層,受訪者一致認為最重要的要素依序為:「環境」、「社會」、「經濟」。 二、在「環境」評估要素層之下,受訪者認為最重要的準則依序為:「環境管理」、「節能減碳」、「國土資源」、「生物多樣性」。 三、在「社會」評估要素層之下,受訪者認為最重要的準則依序為:「健康」、「生活」、「福祉」、「城鄉文化」。 四、在「經濟」評估要素層之下,受訪者認為最重要的準則依序為:「生產」、「治理」、「科技」、「參與」。 五、在12項要素準則中,整體權重前5項準則依序為「健康」、「環境管理」、「生產」、「生活」及「治理」。


This study applied Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to examine the feedback and opinions from scholars, government agencies, environmental groups and the public regarding the indicators for sustainable developments in Taiwan. The data gathered from effective questionnaires were entered into a computer, and the statistics were analyzed with Microsoft Excel. This study derived the relative weights of individual factors and criteria, and summarized the list in order to identify the common perspectives. It is hoped that the results can serve as a reference for the government in promoting sustainable developments in Taiwan. This study screened effective questionnaires with consistency tests, so as to control results reliability. A paired comparison as a part of the AHP procedures was conducted to determine the individual relative weights between the criteria. It is hoped that the research findings can serve as a reference to government agencies. The conclusions are as follows: 1. Regarding the assessment factors, all the respondents think that the most important ones are “environments”, “societies” and “economies”. 2. Under the assessment factor “environments”, the key criteria, in order of importance, are “environmental management”, “energy efficiency and carbon reductions”, and “biodiversity”. 3. Under the assessment factor “societies”, the key criteria, in order of importance, are “health”, “life”, “welfare”, and “city/rural culture”. 4. Under the assessment factor “economies”, the key criteria, in order of importance, are “production”,“governance”, “technology”, and “involvement”. 5. Among the 12 criteria, the top five (in terms of weights) are “health”, “environmental management”, “production”, “life”, and “governance”.


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