  • 學位論文


A Study of Unsupervised Image Segmentation of Cervical Cancer based on Self-organizing map

指導教授 : 戴紹國


子宮頸癌是全世界婦女中第二常見的癌症,然而子宮頸癌如果能透過篩檢來檢測癌前病變,提早發現提早治療,是能夠大大降低了子宮頸癌發病率和死亡率的。其中陰道鏡檢查是一項很重要的工具。癌前子宮頸細胞病變分類為非典型鱗狀細胞化生不良、柱狀細胞化生不良、輕度、中度、重度細胞化生不良CINI~III(Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia I~III)、原位癌。不同的狀況其治療方式與疾病預後有相當的差異。醫師可以藉由陰道鏡檢查根據子宮頸的實際情形來判斷子宮頸的病變程度,以及確定是否需要做切片檢查。然而他並沒有一個很客觀的量化標準,完全必須憑醫師主觀的判斷來決定癌前病變的等級,所以陰道鏡檢查的準確性和醫師的經驗值非常的相關。我們可以運用電腦影像技術輔助來幫助醫師確認病灶位置,並且提供病灶癌化程度的量化數據,藉此讓醫師進行更精準的診斷。而在這些過程中找出病灶所在並且將它切割出來,是一個很重要的步驟,他會影響到癌化程度的量化數據,本論文將針對陰道鏡的子宮頸影像進行切割,所切割出來的影像可以提供醫師參考來確認病灶,並且可以做為癌化程度的特徵抽取及量化之用。


The morbidity and mortality of cervical cancer can be reduced by the screening of the precancerous lesions. Pap smears, colposcopy and biopsy are the most common screening tools. Pap smear is the first-line tool because of its high specificity and low cost. But its false-positive rate is too high and must be confirmed by other tools. Biopsy is a deterministic examination for cervical neoplasia. However, it is not suitable for the high probability of false-positive. Digital colposcopy is a promising technology for the detection of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. However, there are no quantitative criteria for the differential of precancerous lesions and it is subjected to the variation of inter-observer and intra-observer. Therefore, automated image analysis of colposcopic images is thus necessary for the improvement of diagnosis of colposcopy. The segmenetation of the lession from digital colposcopyic image is a key issue of this analysis. Our goal is to develop a segmentation policy that can separate images into regions which contain the lesion areas. These areas can be provided to the analysis system and help doctor to make the diagnosis.


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