  • 學位論文

奈米零價鐵與活性碳去除水中重金屬與雙酚A 之研究

Metals and BPA Adsorption in an Nanoscale Fe+0 and Activated Carbon Fixed Bed Column

指導教授 : 羅煌木


水資源的開發與利用,隨著人口與工業快速成長而急遽增加。相對的,水體受污染之情況也日益嚴重。典型之活性碳、零價鐵去除水中污染物結合混凝、沉澱、過濾等程序,其方法包括 ( 1 ) 粉狀活性碳、零價鐵置入混凝池之混和反應槽 ( 2 ) 利用吸附管柱以濾材之推動式反應槽 二種。本研究主旨係研究開發具環境友善之活性碳與零價鐵,將其作為濾材並應用於水中重金屬與環境荷爾蒙之去除,為達成此研究目標,本實驗擬針對一般污染水體之成份製備重金屬 ( 鎘、鉻、銅、鎳、鉛、鋅、砷、汞 ) 之污染水樣,但一般污染水體往往不單只有重金屬污染另外還含有其他環境荷爾蒙,故本實驗擬添加環境荷爾蒙 ( 雙酚A ) 以達模擬汙染水樣之完整性。本研究係建立管柱吸附模式來描述活性碳與零價鐵對污染水體之去除成效,並以Adam’s – Bohart model 、 Thomas model 與 Yoon – Nelson model 三種管柱吸附動力學模擬,探討床體積、濃度、時間等對管柱吸附之影響,並建立完善之資料庫。 研究結果顯示,當管柱規格、流速、濾材之添加克數、環境條件固定時,管柱吸附的飽和程度會依污染水樣之濃度的增加而增加 , 低濃度之污染水樣 ( 1 ppm ) 其床體積較大,水樣吸附總量較高,在整體吸附過程中飽和速率較慢,而高濃度之污染水樣 ( 100 ppm ) 情況則相反。當吸附實驗中,污染水樣組成份改變 ( 單一金屬污染物、綜合八大金屬污染物、綜合八大金屬 + BPA 污染物 ) 時,複合式污染物之水樣因溶解度與競爭吸附的關係,其吸附情形比單一污染物之水樣來的吸附總量來的低,另外於複合污染物中添加BPA則不會干擾重金屬之吸附,其吸附趨勢與複合式之污染物類似。而當濾材組成比例不同 ( 活性碳 1 : 0 、活性碳 : 零價鐵 1 : 1 、零價鐵 0 : 1 ) 時,以零價鐵與活性碳以1 : 1混合比例之吸附劑最佳,不易達到飽和,吸附總量最多,並優於零價鐵,而活性碳效果較差,且當零價鐵管柱在吸附過程中會因氧化作用而轉換鐵離子,反觀零價鐵與活性碳以1 : 1混合比例之吸附劑在吸附過程中所釋出之鐵離子會被活性碳的部分所吸附,其出流水中鐵離子則比單零價鐵管柱還來的低。另外在相同實驗條件下,進行 Adam’s – Bohart model 、 Thomas model 與 Yoon – Nelson model 作管柱吸附動力學模擬,皆有不錯的模擬效果,各種污染物可藉由三種模式求得之 R2 值,在三種動力學R2中以Adam’s – Bohart model 最為符合本實驗之影響因子,該模式主要以床度高度和進流濃度的改變,對吸附動力常數 ( KAB ) 和吸附劑的關係做分析,其中本次實驗床度高度固定,所以可得知,在本管柱吸附實驗過中以濃度的改變最為影響管柱吸附之飽和速率,此外可由模式中可以得知活性碳及零價鐵對於某些金屬有較佳的吸附效果。


With the rapid growth of population and industry, the development and utilization of water resources increases rapidly. In contrast, the contamination of water is getting worse. The procedures of typical activated carbon, Zero-Valent Iron that removes contaminants from water with coagulation, sedimentation, and filtration all include the following two methods: (1) Adding powdered activatedw、Zero-Valent Iron carbon into the pool of mixed concrete reactor (2) Having the adsorption column to filter the push-type reactor. This research aims to study and develop activated carbon and Zero-Valent Iron that are environmental friendly, and also apply them on the filters to remove metal elements and environmental hormones. To achieve this research, contaminated water with heavy metals (cadmium, chromium, copper, nickel, lead, zinc, arsenic, mercury) was sampled. However, the contaminated water in real is not only polluted with heavy metals, it is also polluted with other environmental hormones. As a result, to simulate the contaminated water, the environmental hormone (bisphenol A) was added. This research establishes the effectiveness standards of column adsorption on activated carbon and Zero-Valent Iron. Through the simulation of column adsorption of Adam’s-Bohart model, Thomas model and Yoon-Nelson model, this research also explores the affects from volume, concentration, and time. The result shows that when the conditions of volume spec., speed of low, and addition of filtering elements are fixed, the saturation level of column adsorption increased with the concentration of sampled contaminated water. The sampled contaminated water with low concentration has bigger bed volume, its total adsorption quantity is higher, and in the process of overall adsorption, its rate of saturation is slower, but the sampled contaminated water with highly concentration (100 ppm) has the reversal. In the experiment of adsorption, when the components (ex. mono-metal pollutant, miscellaneous metal pollutants, and BPA pollutants) of sampled contaminated water are changed, due to the correlation between solubility and absorption of compound sampled contaminated water competes, its overall absorption quantity is lower than the sample’s from mono-pollutant. In addition, the addition of BPA in the compound pollutant doesn’t obstruct the adsorption of heavy metals, and its adsorption trend is similar to the one of the compound pollutants’. When the component and proportion (activated carbon 1: 0、activated carbon: Zero-Valent Iron 1: 1、 Zero-Valent Iron 0︰1) of the filter differentiate, the best adsorption composition ratio found is 1: Zero-Valent Iron and activated carbon mixed, it can have the best adsorption and is difficult to reach saturation. Its maximum amount of adsorption is better than Zero-Valent Iron, and activated carbon is less effective. Besides, in the procedure of adsorption, the Zero-Valent Iron columns, due to oxidation, will release iron ions. In comparison with the ratio of 1:1 Zero-Valent Iron and activated carbon, the iron ions in the process will be adsorbed by the activated carbon. The amount of iron ions in out water is lower than Zero-Valent Iron columns’. Under the same experimental circumstances, the dynamics of adsorption of Adam''s - Bohart model, Thomas model and Yoon - Nelson model for the adsorption column is also simulated. There are some good simulation results. Any kind of pollutants can get R2 values through these three models, and the dynamics to these three models in R2 values, the Adam''s - Bohart model is the most consistent with the impact factor of this experiment. The model is mainly into the relationship analysis of the dynamic adsorption constants (KAB) between the stream bed height and the degree of concentration changes. When the stream bed height is fixed, in the experiment of adsorption column, the saturation rate is mostly affected by the concentration density variation, and activated carbon and Zero-Valent Iron indeed have better adsorption to some metals.


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