  • 學位論文

運用親子共讀方式實施讀書會之研究- 以一間園所為例

Using Parent-child Reading To Run A Study Group - An Example of Preschool

指導教授 : 林楚欣


本研究旨在探討幼兒園運用親子共讀方式來實施讀書會,為質性個案之研究,其研究目的主要欲了解親子讀書會之發展歷程,與持續發展至今的因素,以及對成員所帶來的影響。透過實地觀察、記錄及省思,採用半結構式訪談五位研究參與者,並輔以蒐集該園所親子讀書會相關的文件資料,進行資料的整理與歸納,研究結果發現如下: 壹、 綠光親子讀書會歷程與持續發展之啟示:一、延續小大讀書會之精神;二、「家長的參與意願」影響讀書會之運作;三、「成員的理念與價值觀的一致」為讀書會持續之核心;四、孩子、家長與園所形成讀書會運作的正向循環;五、「成員的情感連結」為讀書會之口碑行銷。 貳、 從參與親子共讀讀書會之成員中發現讀書會能: 一、 對參與老師而言: 一、分享繪本的喜悅;二、說故事的著迷與臨場應變能力;三、看見孩子的成長。 二、 對參與家長而言:一、認同親子共讀的重要性;二、增進親子互動關係;三、啟發與培養孩子不同能力的展現。 參、 根據研究發現提出下列以下建議: 一、 建議公私立幼兒園辦理幼兒園親子共讀讀書會。 二、 辦理讀書會時應有明確的參與機制與規範。 三、 參與家長的職責應分配清楚。 四、 建議增加不同時期之研究對象,更深入研究親子讀書會對參與老師及家長之影響。


幼兒園 親子共讀 讀書會


The purpose of this study is to explore the parent-child co-reading approach to implement reading clubs in preschool. As a qualitative case study, the purpose of the study is to understand the development process of parent-child reading group, the factors of its sustainable development up to now, and the impact on the members. Through field observation, recording and reflection, a semi-structured interview was conducted with five research participants, supplemented by the collection of relevant documents and materials of the parent-child reading group of the kindergarten. The research results are as follows: 1. The process and sustainable development of the green light parent-child reading group: First, continue the spirit of small and big reading group. Second, "parents' willingness to participate" affects the operation of the group. Third, "the consistency of members' ideas and values" is the core of the reading group. Fourth children, parents and preschool form a positive cycle of reading group operation. Last, "members' emotional connection" is word-of-mouth marketing for the study group. 2. It can be found from the members of parent-child reading group that: For participating teachers part. First, share the joy of picture books. Second, the story of the obsession and the ability to improvise. Third, to see the growth of children. For participating parents part. First, recognize the importance of parent-child reading. Second, enhance parent-child interaction. Last, inspire and cultivate children's different ability. Finally, the following suggestion is provided: 1. It is suggested that public and private preschool should organize parent-child reading group. 2. In the process of reading, there should be definite participation mechanism and norms. 3. Responsibilities of participating parents should be clearly assigned. 4. It is suggested to increase the number of study subjects in different periods to further study the influence of parent-child reading clubs on teachers and parents.


preschool parent-child reading study group


