  • 學位論文


A Dual Camera Based Positioning and Calibration Method for Augmented Reality Applications

指導教授 : 鄭宗明 李正隆


近幾年在工業4.0的影響下,虛實整合的技術已逐漸被各產業重視,其中擴增實境(Augmented Reality, AR)目前已被使用於各大產業上,AR的主要技術是利用預先定義之圖案標記或物體特定視角之輪廓為基礎,藉由攝影機取得之影像即時追蹤演算做空間定位,並於影像上重疊顯示虛擬物件之畫面,達到在實體環境中與虛擬物件進行互動之功能。而於工業方面之AR應用多見於組裝及維護之目的,此種應用僅須呈現虛擬物件之資訊即達成目標,故不講求精確空間位置。此乃導因於目前之AR技術所使用之單攝影機,於立體影像辨識上之前後深度不易分析的本質,若可藉由增設第二支攝影機,由不同視角補足該方向之尺度,則可取得較準確之三度空間位置。 為了能廣泛應用於更多工業操作之目的,本研究將採用以雙攝影機為基礎之AR環境設定架構,開發於此架構下之雙座標值定位方法,藉以突破深度辨識不易之現況,取得更佳之定位能力。


Owing to the Industrial 4.0, virtual technologies for production and integrations have become more popular. Among the technologies, Augmented Reality(AR) are adopted widely, particularly in the industry. In AR, marker images captured are deciphered in realtime to determine identities, positions and orientations. Image-based interactions for various purpose can then be defined using the information. However, most industrial applications utilized the interaction images for presenting notes or simple and small 3D blocks as reminders or instructions. The position of a marker is merely for visual approximation. The reason for the low level implementation is in the fact that single camera cannot provide reliable depth information. Therefore, in this research, dual cameras with orthogonal setup are planned to make up the weakness of the single setup, and also provide depth supplement to each other to generate a more reliable 3D coordinate for AR applications.


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