  • 學位論文


The Correlation of Product Perception,Product Involvement, Risk Aversion with Purchase Intention of Taiwanese with Regard to Micro Insurance.

指導教授 : 許可達 賴本隊


微型保險的政策實施,在台灣經過10年的時間。台灣民眾對於它的了解如何是值得探究的,由於過去已經有數篇論文討論有關微型保險政策層面,原住民族群或低收入戶族群對微型保險的認知,台灣微型保險發展的狀況等。因此本文主要探討的重點為台灣民眾對於微型保險的產品認知、產品涉入、風險趨避與購買意願之間的關係,以增加有關微型保險探討的多樣性。 研究結果如下: 1、人口統計變項對於風險趨避程度會有顯著影響。 2、人口統計變項對於產品涉入的影響不顯著。 3、人口統計變項對於產品認知的影響不顯著。 4、人口統計變項對於購買意願的影響不顯著。 5、產品認知對於產品涉入有顯著影響。 6、產品認知對於購買意願有負面顯著影響。 7、產品涉入對於購買意願有負面顯著影響。 8、風險趨避程度對於購買意願的影響不顯著 由以上的研究結果推論為各大保險公司在微型保險部份只有傷害險,極少提供醫療險及壽險,使得風險趨避的功能不彰,所以當民眾在認知及涉入之後,反而降低購買意願。所以如何健全微型保險功能,促使保險公司增加產品多元性,能更全面滿足弱勢民眾需求,是未來產、官、學、研各界努力的方向。 關鍵字:微型保險、產品認知、產品涉入、風險趨避、購買意願


The application of micro insurance policy has been in effect in Taiwan for ten years. It is worth exploring to what extent do the citizens understand micro insurance and whether their knowledge of it is correct. Discussion in respect of the micro insurance policy, the knowledge of aboriginal people or low-income household in regard to micro insurance, and the development of micro insurance in Taiwan have already been covered in many academic articles. Therefore, this thesis is focused on the correlation of product perception, product involvement, and risk aversion with purchase intention of Taiwanese with regard to micro insurance. It is hoped that this thesis would contribute to the knowledge base of micro insurance research. Conclusion of this research is as follows: 1. Influence of demographic variables on risk aversion is significant. 2. Influence of demographic variables on product involvement is indistinctive. 3. Influence of demographic variables on product perception is indistinctive. 4. Influence of demographic variables on purchase intention is indistinctive. 5. Influence of product perception on product involvement is significant. 6. Influence of product perception on purchase intention is significantly negative. 7. Influence of product involvement on purchase intention is significantly negative. 8. Influence of risk aversion on purchase intention is indistinctive. According to research, it is found that with regard to micro insurance, only damage insurance is covered, while medical care insurance and life insurance is far less provided in most companies. As a result, risk aversion of micro insurance is not functioning well, hence diminishes purchase intention of customers who have perceived and involved with said product. In summary, finding ways to enhance product variety by strengthening function of micro insurance would contribute significantly to satisfy the needs of underprivileged groups and therefore is worth efforts of industries of production, government and academic. Key Words: micro insurance, product perception, product involvement, risk aversion, purchase intention


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