  • 學位論文


A Study on Reconstruction Mechanism of Unsafe and Old Buildings -Taking T Company as an Example

指導教授 : 張阜民


依內政部不動產資訊平台2016年第4季統計資料顯示,全國屋齡30年以上住宅類建築約384萬戶,4、5層樓建築物約8萬6千餘棟,依公有建築物耐震評估經驗推估,其中未能符合耐震標準者約有3萬4千棟,另依其所推估民國2026年,全國屋齡30年以上之住宅將增加到597萬戶;民國2036年,全國屋齡30年以上之住宅將高達740萬戶。由上述統計資料可知,都市更新已成為目前都市發展中的熱門話題。 目前針對不安全或屋齡較大的房屋處理可以透過危老重建及都更計畫,本研究首先整理並比較危老重建及都更計畫的優缺點,並介紹與說明聯合授信、不動產信託相關法令規範。接下來以個案分析的方式探討研究T公司於實施都更時所遭遇之問題,如重建個案所採行之法規、重建資金之籌募、信託方式之採用及辦理聯合授信時所遭遇之問題,期望能藉由上述案例了解危老重建案現階段於施行時所面臨之問題,並提出解決方案,給予後進者做為參考,分析結果顯示,危老重建以信託機制的方式將土地信託交付受託人,較易成功取得全體土地及建物所有權人之認同,藉由受託銀行擔任公正第三人,來保障地主與建商雙方之權益,亦可避免因地主眾多,嗣後產生糾紛之疑慮,且聯合授信案透過信託機制及開立專戶控管興建資金,將可分散銀行授信風險,及不受銀行法72-2條之限制。


According to 2016 Q4 statistic data from the information platform of Ministry of the Interior, there are 3.84 millions of houses with age over 30 years in housing building category and there are approximately 86,000 buildings with 4 or 5 floors. Based on evaluation experience from earthquake assessment for public buildings, it forecasts that around 34,000 buildings are not qualified for the standard of earthquake assessment. It also forecasts that houses with age over 30 years will increase to 5.97 millions. By the end of 2036,the number of houses with age 30 years in Taiwan will reach to 7.4 millions. From above-mentioned information,urban-renewal is the popular topic in Urban Development. The study focused on the dangerous reconstruction and urban-renewal plan for unsafe or antiquated houses. First, the study provides the advantages and disadvantages of the dangerous reconstruction and urban-renewal plan, accompanying with an introduction of syndication loan, land trust with urban-renewal sector to understand the related regulations of Taiwan market. Secondly, by analyzing and discussing the problems T company case when executing the urban-renewal, we are able to understand the challenges the struggles of implementation of dangerous construction. The case study will contain the applicable regulations, the approach of raising funds for reconstruction and the type of trust applied. Dangerous reconstruction will be easier to get the approvals from the landlord and the owners of the buildings by the type of trust applied. Making trustee bank as the third party will protect the benefits of landlord and builders. It will also avoid the disputes of the transaction if there are many landlords with trust and opening the specific account to monitor the construction fund in the syndication loan will diversify the loans and credit risk from the bank and it will not be confined to the limitation of the bank act 72-2.


