  • 學位論文


Research on Online Impulsive Buying and Post-Purchase dissonance

指導教授 : 陳文國


在網路及智慧行動裝置的普及化之下,彈指之間便可以完成購買程序,消費者對於網路購物越來越依賴,網購不同於實體通路擁有實體感受,消費者在瀏覽網頁時產生衝動性購買顯得重要。在網路上一直給予消費者購物上的時間壓力,並強調功利主義及享樂主義,影響消費者的衝動性購買及失調,衍伸後續退貨傾向造成網購業者損失與消費者時間浪費等兩敗俱傷的局面。 因此本研究藉由衝動性購買相關文獻,探討網路使用者於衝動性購買後導致認知失調。除了補充購後的認知失調之外,還補充了影響衝動性購買的前因包含功利主義瀏覽(Utilitarian Browsing)及享樂主義瀏覽(Hedonic Browsing)及時間壓力(Time Pressure),探討購後失調對於退貨傾向的影響。本研究以問卷調查法來蒐集資料,透過Facebook社群平台、LINE通訊軟體群組發放網路問卷方,並以SEM分析法進行研究分析。本研究結果證實消費者確實受到時間壓力及享樂主義瀏覽而產生衝動性購買,進而造成後續的退貨傾向,唯有功利主義瀏覽不顯著,其餘結果顯著。提供網站經營者及一般零售業者依照這些人口統計報告作為網站經營決策的評估及日後經營的參考依據。 關鍵字:衝動性購買、時間壓力、購後認知失調、退貨傾向


Under the popularization of Internet and smart mobile devices, the purchase process can be completed between the fingers. Consumers are increasingly dependent on online shopping. Online shopping is different from physical channels, and consumers have an impulse buying to browse the web are important. On the Internet, consumers have been giving time pressure on shopping, and they emphasize utilitarianism and hedonism, affecting consumers' impulsive buying and cognitive dissonance, and extending the tendency of returns, causing losses to online shoppers and wasted time. Therefore, this study explores the cognitive dissonance of online users after impulsive buying by impulsive buying relevant literature. In addition to adding post-purchase cognitive deficiencies, it also adds the factors that influence impulsive buying, including Utilitarian Browsing and Hedonic Browsing and Time Pressure, to explore post-purchase dissonance for the influence of return tendency. In this study, questionnaires were used to collect data, and online questionnaires were distributed through the Facebook community platform and the LINE communication software group, and the SEM analysis method was used for research and analysis. The results of this study confirm that consumers are indeed subject to impulsive buying due to time pressure and hedonism browsing, which in turn leads to return tendencies. Only utilitarian browsing is not significant, and the remaining results are significant. Website operators and general retailers are provided to use these demographic reports as a basis for evaluation of website management decisions and future operations. Keywords: Impulsive Buying, Time Pressure, Post-Purchase Cognitive Dissonance, Return Tendency


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