  • 學位論文

探討企業社會責任對企業經營績效之影響 -以企業規模、負債比率、資產週轉率為調節變項

Exploring the Influence of CSR on Business Performance: The Firm Size, Debt Ratio and Turnover as the Moderators

指導教授 : 李素箱 林志偉


目的:企業社會責任已然成為全球企業必須面對之課題且被視為企業經營的關鍵性策略性活動之一。企業經營績效是企業之成效指標,可以協助企業判斷所採取之策略、組織結構、執行力、成效等是否達到所預設之目標。因此,本研究旨在探討企業社會責任的提升對資產報酬率、股東權益報酬率、Tobin’s Q 之影響情形,以及企業規模、負債比率、資產週轉率在企業社會責任對企業經營績效之調節情形。方法:本研究以2012 年至2018 年曾獲得「天下企業公民獎」之企業為研究對象,剔除不合適資料後共計346 筆資料。後續以描述性統計進行現況分析,採用階層迴歸方法逐層分析各因素之影響及調節情形。結果:企業社會責任、企業規模、負債比率、資產週轉對資產報酬率具有顯著預測力;企業社會責任、企業規模、資產週轉對股東權益報酬率具有顯著預測力;負債比率、資產週轉率對Tobin’s Q 具有顯著預測力;企業規模、負債比率對企業社會責任與資產報酬率的影響具有顯著的負向調節效果;負債比率對企業社會責任與股東權益報酬率的影響具有顯著的負向調節效果。最後,根據研究結果提出具體建議,以供企業與相關單位作為促進企業善盡社會責任之策略參考。


Objectives: Corporate social responsibility has become a topic that global companies must face and it is regarded as one of the key strategies of business management. Business performance is an indicator of the effectiveness of the company, it can help the company to determine whether the adopted strategy, organizational structure, execution and effectiveness have reached the preset goals. Therefore, this study aims to explore the influence of enhancing corporate social responsibility on return on assets, return on equity and Tobin’s Q, by the moderation of firm size, debt ratio, and turnover. Methods: The research object of this study is base on the companies that have won the prize of “Excellence in Corporate Social Responsibility”. A total of 346 data and the sample period was from 2012-2018. The descriptive statistics were used to analyze the current situation, the hierarchical regression analysis was used to discuss the influence of the factors, and the moderation analysis was performed with significant interaction items. Results: 1. Corporate social responsibility, firm size, debt ratio, and asset turnover have significant prediction on return on assets; 2. Corporate social responsibility, firm size, and asset turnover have significant prediction on return on equity; 3. Debt ratio and asset turnover have significant prediction on Tobin’s Q; 4. The firm size and debt ratio has a significant negative moderation effect on corporate social responsibility to return on assets; 5. The debt ratio has a significant negative moderation effect on corporate social responsibility to return on equity. Finally, based on the results, the suggestions for further studies were offered to the related research as a reference.


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池祥萱、繆文娟、莊瀅臻(2014)。企業社會責任對於公司財務績效之影響是雙面刃嗎? 來自全球 500 大公司的證據。管理學報,31(1),1-19。
