  • 學位論文


A Study of Metaphor in Cultural Creative Product Design

指導教授 : 蕭明瑜


文化創意產品是文化傳播的媒介之一,利用實體的器物作為載體,將抽象的文化內涵融合具象的功能性產品,以現代化思維與設計重新詮釋之。文化創意設計於臺灣推行已有數年,文創產品作為一種符號訊息傳遞給使用者,其傳達的目的為文化意義的內容呈現,然而仍有許多產品僅是創意性的將文化性符碼扣上功能性產品,而實無文化內涵支撐,流於文化符碼表面形態的模仿與重製,無法達到文化與產品設計之融合。為達到兩者之間的關聯性,本研究由「文創產品符號三角形」及「隱喻」的運用,以建立設計模式脈絡,作為文化內容於產品設計之詮釋方法。 文創產品符號三角形發展自Peirce符號三角形,以文創產品表徵、客體與詮釋三項目組成,表徵為產品設計結果,客體為參考指涉的文化資產,詮釋則是說明以上兩者的知識與表達內容,形成三角符號緊密關係。而隱喻作用於詮釋項目中,透過隱喻的相似性關聯、兩域相異、結構對應及語言表達特性,於文創產品符號三角形中作為聯想脈絡及設計命題訂定之應用關鍵。 本研究結論歸納有二:一為文化創意產品設計的發想可以透過產品功能性出發,尋找與之特性或操作相似的文化符碼作為客體對象描述,以顯產品特徵的同時,也呈現文化符號意義;另可以透過文化性出發,尋找與之背景脈絡相關器物或活動作為相似性聯想,找出符合情境之實體載體,產生文化連結性高之產品。二為透過層層的隱喻命題,使創作方向明確,並使產品表達內容具本質型深層意義之外,亦有修辭型的淺層意義,易於使用者理解。


Cultural creative products serve as a medium of cultural diffusion. Such products use physical objects as carriers and integrate product functions with abstract cultural elements, thereby reinterpreting culture using contemporary thinking and design. Cultural creative design has been promoted in Taiwan for many years. Cultural creative products serve as symbols that convey information to users. The purpose of such products is to present the meaning and content of culture. However, numerous cultural creative product designers merely combine cultural codes with product functions while overlooking the cultural connotations of such products. Because these designers superficially imitate and recreate cultural codes, the resulting products cannot integrate culture and product design. Exploring the association between culture and product design, this study employed the cultural creative product semiotic triangle and metaphors to establish design models and context. This provides an approach for interpreting cultural content in product design. The cultural creative product semiotic triangle, which was originated from Pierce’s semiotic triangle, comprises three components, namely cultural creative product representation, cultural creative product object, and cultural creative product interpretant. A representation denotes the outcome of a product design. An object denotes the cultural asset that the product is based on. An interpretant elucidates the knowledge and expression of a product’s representation and object. These three components form a tight triangular relationship. A metaphor is used in an interpretant and implies the similarity between cultural and product characteristics, differences between target and source domains, and features of product structure and language expression. Therefore, metaphors are key to contextual thinking and proposition design in the cultural creative product semiotic triangle. The conclusions of this study are as follows: (1) The design of a cultural creative product can start from deciding on product functions and identifying cultural codes that possess similarity with the features or operation of the product. The cultural codes can then be used as the object of the product. This enables representing the product features and the symbolic meaning of the codes. From a cultural perspective, designers can also identify objects with related context or backgrounds to conduct similarity association. This facilitates selecting carriers in line with product design context and creates products with high cultural association. (2) Through multiple layers of metaphors and prepositions, designers can clarify their design directions and enable their products to represent deep meanings of its essence and shallow meanings of its culture that are easily comprehensible to users.


何明泉、林其祥、劉怡君,1996,”文化商品開發設計之構思”,《設計學報》,第一卷,第一期,pp. 2-3。
