  • 學位論文


Combination of Ozone and Hydrogen Peroxide to Degrade Diesel Contaminant in Saturated and Vadose Zones

指導教授 : 劉敏信


本研究模擬飽和層及未飽和層同時受柴油污染的試驗,採用飽和層的臭氧注氣(ozone sparing)方式,同時結合過氧化氫(Hydrogen peroxide)注入未飽和層中,以探討兩者接觸時的化學氧化能力。並探討柴油污染物化學當量所需的臭氧劑量、過氧化氫濃度、pH值,探討氫氧自由基的形成情形。本研究最終探討臭氧劑量結合過氧化氫濃度的最佳搭配,能夠用最低的注氣量與最短的時間,達到最佳的柴油污染物去除效果。 本研究第 1 組試驗所使用土壤柴油初始濃度為24,200 mg/kg,地下水柴油初始濃度300 mg/L,臭氧流率為2,888 mg/min,僅使用臭氧而無過氧化氫添加,批次注氣1個小時後地下水柴油即已完全降解,累積批次注氣12個小時後土壤柴油降解效率為37%,累積批次注氣24個小時後土壤柴油降解效率為58%;第 2 組試驗所使用土壤柴油初始濃度為 32,131 mg/kg,使用過氧化氫濃度為7%,添加量為 7%H2O2 : soil = 1 : 100 (w/w),臭氧流率為2,888 mg/min,累積批次注氣12個小時後土壤柴油降解效率為63%,累積批次注氣24個小時後柴油降解效率為78%;第 3 組試驗所使用土壤柴油初始濃度為 17,115 mg/kg,使用過氧化氫濃度為7%,添加量為7% H2O2 :soil = 2 : 100 (w/w),累積批次注氣12個小時後土壤柴油降解效率為64%;第 4 組試驗所使用土壤柴油初始濃度為14,286 mg/kg,使用過氧化氫濃度為10%,添加量為10% H2O2 : soil = 2 : 100 (w/w),累積批次注氣12個小時後土壤柴油降解效率為37%,高過氧化氫濃度效果反而較不顯著;第 5 組試驗所使用土壤柴油初始濃度為24,223 mg/kg,過氧化氫濃度為4%,添加量為4% H2O2 : soil = 2 : 100 (w/w),累積批次注氣12個小時後土壤柴油降解效率僅為15%,低過氧化氫濃度顯示氧化能力不足。 本研究利用建立的過臭氧反應設備,變動操作參數如過氧化氫濃度與比例,研究成果發現,過臭氧反應系統能更有效率的處理場址中飽和層及未飽和層的高濃度柴油污染物,使用過氧化氫濃度7%,與土壤重量的比例2%的操作條件下,可得到最佳且經濟的效果,此成果應該可提供國內廠商利用過臭氧氧化法進行實場的應用。


Simulations of saturated and vadose zones were simultaneously contaminated by diesel oil in this study. Using ozone sparging and injecting hydrogen peroxide into the vadose zones to explore the chemical oxidation ability. This study also investigated the chemical equivalent amount of ozone required for diesel oil, hydrogen peroxide concentration, and pH value for exploring the formation of hydroxyl free radicals. The optimal quantity of ozone sparging combined with hydrogen peroxide, with the lowest ozone sparging and the shortest time, to achieve the best diesel removal efficiency was investigated. In the first stage, the initial diesel concentration in soil was 24,200 mg/kg, the initial diesel concentration in groundwater was 300 mg/L, and the ozone flow rate was 2,888 mg/min. Ozone was used only without hydrogen peroxide addition in this stage. After one hour ozone sparging into the groundwater, diesel had been completely degraded, and when the cumulative batch ozone sparging was conducted for 12 hours, the diesel in soil was degraded by 37%, the diesel in soil was degraded by 58% after cumulative batch ozone sparging for 24 hours. In the second stage, the initial diesel concentration in soil was 32,131 mg/kg, the concentration of hydrogen peroxide was 7%, and the addition was 7% H2O2: soil = 1: 100 (w/w), the ozone flow rate was 2,888 mg/min, The degradation efficiency of diesel in soil was 63% after 12 hours of ozone sparging, and 78% after 24 hours of cumulative batch ozone sparging. In the third stage, the initial diesel concentration in soil was 17,115 mg/kg, the concentration of hydrogen peroxide is 7%, and the addition was 7% H2O2: soil = 2: 100 (w/w), the cumulative removal efficiency of diesel in soil was 64% after 12 hours of cumulative batch sparging. In the fourth stage, the initial diesel concentration in soil was 14,286 mg/kg, the concentration of hydrogen peroxide was 10%, and the addition was 10% H2O2: soil = 2: 100 (w/w), the degradation efficiency of diesel in soil was 37% after 12 hours of cumulative batch sparging, and the effect of higher hydrogen peroxide concentration was less significant degradation. In the fifth batch, The concentration of H2O2: soil = 2: 100 (w/w), the biodegradation efficiency of diesel in soil was only 15% after 12 hours of cumulative batch sparging, and the concentration of hydrogen peroxide was 4%, the result showed insufficient oxidation capacity was possessed in low hydrogen peroxide concentration. Peroxone system and equipment were established in this study, by changing operating parameters such as hydrogen peroxide concentration and proportion, the result indicated that the peroxone reaction system could more efficiently degrade high concentration of diesel in the saturated and unsaturated zones. The use of hydrogen peroxide 7%, with the weight ratio of 2% as the operating conditions approached the optimal and economical results, the operating conditions should be able to provide domestic manufacturers to use the peroxone oxidation method for field applications.


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