  • 學位論文


The surroundings of the incinerator release the features of dioxin from the Atmosphere, plants, and soil in the middle certain city of Taiwan

指導教授 : 張簡水紋 王敏昭


本研究對T焚化爐周界大氣、植物及土壤進行戴奧辛/呋喃(Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans;PCDD/Fs,一般簡稱戴奧辛)採樣分析,以了解T焚化焚化爐運作期間所排放之PCDD/Fs對其周圍環境之影響,探討PCDD/Fs在煙道-大氣、大氣-植物及植物-土壤之傳輸情形,因此分97年及98年共2年度,依盛行風向選定焚化爐背景、上風及下風共3個大氣採樣點,距煙道1 km及2 km 範圍之八方向範圍內共16個植物與土壤採樣點為對象,依據行政院環境保署公告之標準採樣及檢測方法進行分析,以獲得各介質之PCDD/Fs濃度數據。 PCDD/Fs在焚化爐周界環境中流佈路徑為經由焚化爐煙囪排氣,由排放煙道以氣相及附著於懸浮微粒表面之固相進入大氣,在大氣中藉由乾溼沉降或擴散進入植物及土壤,故植物中的PCDD/Fs濃度則可以界定某地區在植物生長期間的戴奧辛暴露量的短期指標,而在土壤中PCDD/Fs含量可以做為某地區暴露戴奧辛的長期指標, 研究期間共進行周界大氣8次採樣,採樣分析共24件樣品,植物及土壤分別進行4次採樣,分別採樣分析各64件樣品。分析結果周界大氣總PCDD/Fs介於0.6548~1.6184 pg/m3 ,平均為0.9677 pg/m3,總I-TEQ濃度介於0.0290~0.1110 pg-I-TEQ/m3,平均值為0.0590 pg-I-TEQ/m3,以日本法規規範之大氣PCDD/Fs濃度(0.6 pg-I-TEQ/m3),T焚化爐周界大氣之PCDD/Fs濃度低於其法規限值。周界植物PCDD/Fs採樣檢測,總PCDD/Fs介於0.1576~0.4383 ng/g.dw ,平均為0.3342 ng/g.dw,總I-TEQ濃度介於0.0060~0.0536 ng-I-TEQ/g.dw,平均值為0.0226 ng-I-TEQ/g.dw。周界土壤PCDD/Fs採樣檢測,總PCDD/Fs介於439.6~548.8 ng/kg.dw ,平均為472.6 ng/kg.dw,總I-TEQ濃度介於3.1331~10.2671 ng-I-TEQ/kg.dw,平均值為5.1493 ng-I-TEQ/kg.dw,以國內法規規範土壤PCDD/Fs濃度(1000 ng-I-TEQ/kg.dw),T焚化爐周界土壤之PCDD/Fs濃度低於法規限值。 以各項介質流佈關係來看,在煙道-大氣方面;由T焚化爐煙道排放與周界大氣之PCDD/Fs組成成份分佈及PCDD/Fs總濃度來源比值PCDDs/PCDFs推斷;兩者並無顯著之關係,推測T焚化爐煙道排放PCDD/Fs對周圍大氣PCDD/F濃度影響有限。在大氣-植物方面依組成成份分佈及PCDD/Fs總濃度來源比值PCDDs/PCDFs推斷;周界大氣與植物中PCDD/Fs有部分相關。在植物-土壤方面;綜合成份組成分佈及進行統計迴歸分析,周界植物與土壤PCDD/Fs並無明顯相關性,僅2-SE點植物與土壤總PCDD/Fs與TEQ濃度呈現高度正相關。 本研究顯示T焚化爐煙道排放PCDD/Fs對其周界大氣、植物及土壤之濃度貢獻並不顯著。


植物 大氣 都市焚化爐 呋喃 戴奧辛 土壤


Our research is to analyze the Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and poly- chlorinated dibenzofurans ,PCDD/Fs. Firstly, we take some samples from the incinerator in middle certain city of Taiwan. To understand if the incinerator discharged PCDD/Fs, it will affect the Atmosphere, plants, and soil. In addition, we would like to analyze PCDD/Fs into the influence of the environment from the incinerator. Finally, we expect to discover the condition of the transmission of PCDD/Fs from smoke to the atmosphere, from the atmosphere to plants, and from plants to soil. In 2008 & 2009, we chose 3 types of sampling according to the smoke’s directions of the incinerator, the back of incinerator, upper level winds, and lower level winds. We also chose 16 kinds of plants and soil which were during 8 directions around 1Km & 2Km distances from the incinerator. We took samples and analyzed them to get the average percentage of PCDD/Fs from each sample, which was base on the sampling & analysis standard from Environmental protection administration executive branch in Taiwan government. The spreading path of PCDD/Fs was through smokestack of the incinerator by gaseous state and adhered to their surface of these floating particles by solid stat into the atmosphere. Therefore, the PCDD/Fs from the atmosphere spread to the soil and plants by rain. So the PCDD/Fs concentration in the plants could be said that the short term measure index of PCDD/Fs spread out amount in certain areas. And the PCDD/Fs concentration in the soil could show the long term measure index of PCDD/Fs spread out amount in certain areas. In 2008 & 2009 period, we took 24 samples 8 times from the atmosphere and 64 samples from plants & soil 4 times. The analytic results were as follows, PCDD/Fs concentration in the atmosphere was between 0.6548 ~1.6184 pg/m3, and the average was 0.9677 pg/m3. Total I-TEQ was between 0.0290~0.1110 pg-I-TEQ/m3 ,and the average was 0.0590 pg-I-TEQ/m3 . According to Japan’s standard, the PCDD/Fs concentration in the atmosphere was below 0.6 pg-I-TEQ/m3. The concentration in the atmosphere around T incinerator in middle of Taiwan was below Japan’s standard. We analyzed the PCDD/Fs concentration in the plant around the incinerator which was as follows, total PCDD/Fs concentration was between 0.1576~0.4383 ng/g.dw, the average value was 0.3342 ng/g.dw. Total I-TEQ concentration was between 0.0060~0.0536 ng-I-TEQ/g.dw,the average value was 0.0226 ng-I-TEQ/g.dw. The PCDD/Fs concentration in the soil around the incinerator was total PCDD/Fs concentration between 439.6~548.8 ng/kg.dw, and the average value was 472.6 ng/kg.dw. Total I-TEQ concentration was between 3.1331~10.2671 ng-I-TEQ/kg.dw, the average value was 5.1493 ng-I-TEQ/kg.dw. According to Taiwan’s standard, the PCDD/Fs concentration in the soil was below 1000 ng-I-TEQ/kg.dw. Thus, the concentration in the soil around T incinerator in middle of Taiwan was below Taiwan’s standard. In terms of our analytic results, from smoke’s path to atmosphere, the factors and concentration of PCDD/Fs between smoke path and atmosphere do not any obviously related. So we assume that influence of the atmosphere from the smoke path in the incinerator is limited. Between the atmosphere and plants, the analytic result is that the ingredients and concentration of PCDD/Fs between plants and the atmosphere are only partially related. Between plant and soil, the total analysis for ingredient of PCDD/Fs is that the concentration in the plant & soil is not any obviously related. Only in the 2-SE point, total PCDD/Fs &TEQ concentration of the plant & soil is highly positive related. Our research shows that T incinerator discharges PCDD/Fs by smoke into the atmosphere, plants and soil. The influence is not too much.


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