  • 學位論文


Developing a consumer behavior model for online group-buying

指導教授 : 詹智強


摘要 網際網路的快速發展,網路虛擬店面如雨後春筍般的四處林立,使得一般顧客從實體商店轉向網路購物。由於網路便利性,企業必須快速掌握市場波動、經由日積月累的顧客交易資料,去了解每位顧客特性與不同需求,並分析顧客的購買行為與預測顧客喜好,給予顧客合適的促銷方式,增加消費者購買意願。 本研究根據群體採購顧客資料,利用信度、因素、變異數(ANOVA)、皮爾森(Pearson)相關、K-Means分群等分析,對問卷資料進行統計分析。在考量影響消費者因素與消費者特性,企業可針對不同消費族群的消費行為,制定一些適當的行銷策略來滿足不同消費群的需求。


Abstract With the rapid development of the internet, virtual internet shops are opened everywhere that encourages customers to consume on the Internet. Owing to the convenience of the internet, the enterprises have to master the marketable fluctuation. According to records of transaction over a long period, they understand customers’ different needs and specialities. Then they analyze the consumer behavior and predict their favorites in order to provide customers the suitable sales promotion and encourage customers to buy their products. The research are bases on records of group-buying customers and utilizes Reliability Analysis、Factor Analysis、ANOVA、Pearson Analysis and K-Means to do Statistics Analysis of questionnaires. With considering the influence factors , the enterprises can set up certain selling strategies to satisfy different needs of customers according to their consumer behavior.


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