  • 學位論文


The Study of Consumer Ethnocentrism and Language Attitude on Advertising Communication Effectiveness

指導教授 : 黃文星


台灣自2002年加入WTO後,與大陸貿易日益頻繁。隨著陸客來台參觀以及陸生來台求學的人數漸多,為了滿足大陸民眾的需求,加上國內業者的彈性應變,未來在國內極有可能會出現國人較不熟悉的簡體產品包裝及廣告文案。由於兩岸對立許久,部份國人高舉「民族意識,ethnocentrism」的對立旗幟,認為國人若購買使用對岸的商品將會危及身體健康,且會損害台灣產業,因此主張拒絕購買及不使用對岸所生產的各種產品。 本文主要是探討閱聽眾在面對繁、簡體平面廣告時,其所產生的廣告溝通效果有無差異。研究進行採用實驗設計,以二種產品(康師傅、捷安特)搭配二種語言(繁、簡體),共計四種組合,分析所使用的資料乃是透過問卷調查而取得,針對國內四大都會區以及四大農業程度較高縣市進行抽樣調查,抽樣方法採配額抽樣(quota sampling),每個縣市訪問繁、簡體版問卷各30人,受訪者年齡主要以19歲以上、59歲以下為主。 研究結果發現,當受測者面對繁、簡體平面廣告時,受測者對於繁體的評價明顯優於簡體。繁、簡體平面廣告在廣告溝通效果與購買意願之間的影響甚不相同,廣告內容的優劣以及產品品質的良莠為影響受訪者是否願意購買的主因,當受測者面對簡體平面廣告時,其直覺認為廣告當中產品應是大陸所生產,因而對廣告當中產品產生怯步的心態,故廣告內容無助於其購買意願之提升。在人口統計變數方面,教育程度及政黨偏好會影響CETSCALE,至於在居住地方面,雖然未出現顯著差異,但從平均值可發現南部地區及農業程度縣市較高之地區的平均值相對較高。


Trade between Taiwan and China has been continuously growing since Taiwan became a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2002. With tourists and students from mainland China coming to Taiwan, there will probably be products and advertisements with simplified-Chinese characters unfamiliar to Taiwanese as a contingency plan of the industries in Taiwan to meet the needs of mainlanders. Due to the chronic confrontation between the Straits, some Taiwanese, in the name of ethnocentrism, still insist on not buying or using any products from China, believing that they endanger the industries in Taiwan and the health of Taiwanese. This study put emphasis on the advertising effectiveness differences between simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese advertisements. The study adopts experimental design, using two products (Giant and Masterkong) with two languages (simplified and traditional Chinese) as 4 experimental instruments in total. A quota sampling method is conducted to gather the data of analysis, focusing on 4 major metropolises and 4 major agricultural cities in Taiwan. Both simplified and traditional Chinese questionnaires have been distributed to 30 persons aged from 19 to 59 in each city. The results revealed that the traditional Chinese advertisement received higher evaluation than simplified Chinese advertisement when the subjects were presented with both ads. Simplified and traditional Chinese ads vary greatly in the degree of the influence of advertisement effectiveness on purchase intention; the quality of the ad and the quality of the product itself decide whether the subject is going to buy the product or not. The subject considered the simplified Chinese ad as a product made in China and therefore intuitively defied it; consequently, the quality of the ad does not reinforce the purchase intention of the subject. In terms of the demographic variables, education and political preference may affect the CETSCALE. As for the residence, it is shown that the average of southern Taiwan and agricultural cities are comparatively higher than that of other districts, though there is no significant difference.


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