  • 學位論文


A Study on Consumer Behavior Model for Organic Agricultural Products

指導教授 : 徐茂練博士


隨著科技的進步,植物及動物的保護藥物或生長素、育種及遺傳工程技術的應用,使得化學藥物使用浮濫,造成自然生態環境破壞、溫室效應、全球暖化等環保問題,現代人豐衣足食吃太飽、吃太好,因此隨之而來的是心臟病、高血壓等文明病,為了對抗疾病,使得飲食文化有了明顯的改變,因此一種較不污染環境、不破壞生態,並能提供消費者健康與安全的有機農業就越來越受重視。近年來國內對有機農產品消費者行為的研究越來越多,但大多偏向量化的研究,但量化的研究走的是實驗的方式,應用於研究有機農產品的消費者行為,只能瞭解消費者當下的行為,無法了解有機農產品消費者行為模式。因此本研究透過質化研究的方式運用紮根理論的方法,針對10位消費有機農產品時間超過1年以上的有機消費者做40-80分鐘的深度訪談,另一方面隨著飲食習慣改變素食人口越來越多,本研究將素食者與葷食者不同飲食習慣消費者的有機農產品消費行為作為另一個研究主題,經過蒐集、編碼、整理進行資料分析,建構出有機消費的行為模式,包含消費行為:購買、食用、評估、學習。背景因素:身心狀況、宗教信仰、環保意識、社會趨勢。其他互動之對象:有機通路商、有機農產品、有機知識、生態環境。自我互動:身體的感覺、心理的感受、人際關係、價值觀。消費後的後續行動:日常生活、工作。並由此模式得到六個命題:1. 不同消費行為階段有不同的自我互動。2. 不同消費行為階段有不同的其他對象之互動。3. 消費者宗教信仰的背景因素影響有機農產品消費者行為。4. 有機消費過程中不同的互動對象有不同的符號象徵價值。5. 有機消費者行為影響消費後的日常生活。6. 不同飲食習慣消費者,對有機農產品的消費行為有明顯的差異。最後根據本研究歸納出有機消費行為中與其他對象之互動、自我互動對象,提供有機農產品銷售業者擬定行銷策略之具體建議。 關鍵詞:有機農產品、消費者行為、紮根理論


With the advancement of technology, together with the application of plant and animal drugs, growth hormone, breeding and genetic engineering technology the abuse of chemicals have brought about environmental issues, such as ecological damage, greenhouse effect, global warming, and other environmental issues People nowadays eat too much and too good, which often leads to heart disease, hypertension, and other diseases of civilization. To fight against the disease, the food culture has changed significantly. Organic agriculture, which pollutes the environment and destroys the ecology less and contributes to support consumer health and safety, thus catches more and more attention. In the recent years, an increasing number of researches have been conducted on the consumer behavior of organic agriculture products. Most of the researches tend to be quantitative researches, and quantitative researches focus on experiments. When quantitative research method is applied to the consumer behavior of organic agriculture products, people can easily understand the consumer behavior at the moment, but they can neither understand the contexts nor learn the evolution of this consumer behavior. To enhance this study, which is based on qualitative research approach and applies grounded theory methods, an in-depth interview has been conducted to ten people who have consumed organic agricultural products for more than one year. With the increase of the vegetarian population, this study also discusses the different consumer behaviors of the vegetarians and non-vegetarians in consumption of organic agriculture products. Through data collecting, encoding, sorting, and analyzing, the consumer behavior mode of organic products consumption has been constructed, which includes consumption behaviors (i.e. purchasing, eating, evaluating, and learning), background factors (i.e. physical and mental status, religion and beliefs, environmental awareness, and social trends), other interaction objects (i.e. organic products distributors, organic products, organic knowledge, and the ecological environment), self-interactions (i.e. physical sensation, psychological emotion, relationships, and values), and afterward actions (i.e. in daily life or at work). The following six subjects are thus derived. 1. Different self-interaction exists at different stage of consumer behavior. 2. Different interactions with other objects occur at different stage of consumer behavior. 3. Consumers’ religious background influences the consumer behavior of organic agriculture products. 4. In consumption of organic agriculture products, different interaction objects symbolize different values to consumers. 5. The consumer behavior of organic agriculture products also affects the daily lives after the consumption. 6. Consumers with different eating habits also have significantly different consumer behaviors in consumption of organic agriculture products. Finally, this study provides the organic distributors with concrete suggestions of marketing strategies which were developed according to the consumer behavior of organic agriculture products as well as consumers’ interactions with other objects and the self-interaction objects. Key words: organic agricultural product, consumer behavior, Grounded Theory


2.林俊彥 (1998)。有機農業展望。苗栗區農業專訊2:2-5。
21.董時叡 (2001)。台灣有機農業推廣之探討─公部門與非營利組織之比較。農業推廣學報,18,頁48-70。


