  • 學位論文


Design Direction Planning of Visual Art Course in Junior High Schools in Respect of Different Teacher Backgrounds and the Development Trend of Courses

指導教授 : 諸葛正


課程是學生在學校學習的主要內容,課程的設計完善程度會決定教師後續各項教學歷程的展開方法,而課程的設計規劃則會因教師的不同思維邏輯而有發展上的差異。本研究嘗試從不同師資背景與課程發展的趨勢中,找出其對國中視覺藝術課程設計的可能發展思維。 本研究透過文獻分析與田野調查輔助,透過個案教師訪談的方式,以獲得相關資訊,亦針對教師所任教學生,實施開放式的學習心得問卷調查,以增加相互對照能力。而本研究主要訪談對象取材範圍來自於南投縣的視覺藝術教師(同時也是一個有限制的研究樣本範圍),以進行分析大學所受專業教育是否在教師擔任教學工作時,會展現出不同的思維邏輯與教學方法,並以此探討教師是否會因為其在大學期間的不同受教成長過程,會否直接或間接影響教師的能力與信念養成上的差異。 研究發現,設計相關科系出身教師,由於在大學訓練階段,即著重在如創造力的培養、基礎設計概念、市場行銷導向與消費者需求滿足等訓練課程學習,更把電腦視為設計工作的重要工具,因此事實上更容易推動數位藝術方面的學習發展。因此設計相關科系出身教師若能發揮其在電腦方面的適應力,適當的將視覺藝術與數位科技進行連結,以貼近學生的生活環境。則不僅能滿足學生對視覺藝術的期待,或許也更能藉此體會視覺藝術的魅力。本研究主要結論則為:(1)設計相關科系教師能夠展現出多樣化的學習面向與邏輯思維。(2)規劃網路數位課程,建構多元學習環境。(3)深耕設計教育視野,以達成應用實踐的目的。


The main contents to be studied by students in a school are various courses. Whether a course is perfectly designed is of decisive importance to the teaching methods which a teacher may choose in subsequent teaching processes, and different teachers may develop their own distinctive system of course design because the logic of their thoughts varies. This study attempts to find out from the teachers’ background and the trend of courses development the underlying ideas of teaching design of visual arts courses in junior high schools. In this study, relevant information is acquired from document analysis and a supplementary field study, in which individual teachers are interviewed. An open questionnaire survey is also carried out in students of these teachers on their gain from learning to serve as reference. Interviewees of the study are mainly sampled from teachers of visual arts courses in Nantou County (to which the sample range of the study is restricted), and the study is to analyze whether the professional education a teacher received in college has any impact on the logic of his/her thoughts and the development of his/her distinctive teaching methods during his/her work as a teacher. The study also discusses whether the differences of these teachers in their college education and formative years have direct or indirect impact on their building of capacity and their formation of beliefs. The study reveals that teachers with actual design related educational background are more competent in promoting the teaching of digital art because they had focused on the study of creativity development, basic design concept, and other marketing oriented and consumer demand satisfying training courses in their college days, and to these teachers, the computer is an important tool in their design work. Therefore, teachers graduated from design related departments will not only be able to meet students'' expectation on visual arts, but will also probably be able to experience the charm of visual arts as well if they, by giving full play to their adaptability in computer science and incorporating digital technology into visual arts, get close to the living environment of their students. The main conclusions of the study are as follows: (1) teachers graduated from design related departments are versatile and capable of thinking logically. (2) it is suggested that internet-based digital courses should be planned, and a multi-faceted learning environment be constructed. (3) Teaching design deserves more attention as it can be very useful in practice.


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