  • 學位論文


Investigate of The Influence of Ambient Temperature on Scaffold Assembling Crew’s Mental Workload

指導教授 : 蕭文達


目前而言營造業在環境溫度對勞工安全方面之研究相當缺乏,但環境溫度對於我國營造業的勞工人員帶來之影響不可忽視,其中影響因子有空氣、噪音、濕度都會危害到人體,環境溫度會對勞工人員產生心理負荷之不良影響,例如心理負荷過大會造成注意力不集中或者容易疲勞,會對於在營建業上的勞工安全帶來了隱憂。 本研究採取室內實驗方式,徵求12名受測者進行三種不同環境溫度下組搭鷹架實驗,同時量測受測者臉部鼻頭溫差以了解作業時心理負荷 。實驗結果顯示,在不同的三種環境溫度下施做作業其中高溫作業心理負荷高於其他兩種溫度,然而再把鼻頭溫差進行變異數分析與NASA-TLX分析以及從行政院勞工委員會勞動檢查所提供的勞工死亡資料來進行分析,得知在高溫下作業心理負荷會變大,勞工傷亡也是隨著溫度增加人數也逐漸上升。研究結果可提供給營建管理者參考,建議在夏日安排工作時縮短在高溫環境下連續工作時間。


To date, the construction industry has done very little research on the effects of environmental temperature on labor safety; however, these effects should not be ignored. Some of the factors that harm the human body include air, noise, and humidity. Some of the negative effects of a worker''s mental demand caused by environmental temperature include attention deficiency or fatigue, which is a hidden concern for the construction industry laborers. This research was conducted in a laboratory. 12 subjects were asked to construct a scaffold under three different temperatures, while their nose temperature differences were measured to gauge their mental demand. The experiment results showed that mental demand was the greatest under the highest temperature out of the three different temperatures. Further performing Analysis of Variance, NASA-TLX analysis, and analysis of labor mortality data provided by the Executive Yuan''s Inspection Office of Council of Labor Affairs, the results showed that mental demand will become greater under high temperatures and that mortality rates and death tolls increase with the temperature. The research results can be provided to the construction industry''s managers for reference, suggesting that they shorten the length of continuous working hours under high temperatures when scheduling work in the summer.


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9. 行政院勞工委員會(2008a)。職災案例(線上資源)。行政院勞工委員會 中區勞動檢查所。2012.03.18取自http://www.crlio.gov.tw/case.asp
10. 行政院勞工委員會(2008b)。職災案例(線上資源)。行政院勞工委員會 北區勞動檢查所。2012.03.2 6取自http://www.nlio.gov.tw/program/disasterCase.asp
