  • 學位論文


An Evaluation Model of Floor Area Incentive for Urban Regeneration Projects from the Perspective of Carbon Emissions

指導教授 : 許國威


面對全球氣候變遷與都市永續發展議題,都市更新在促進都市老舊地區土地再生開發時,除了復甦都市機能、改善居住環境外,也應符合當前生態城市、節能減碳之理念。目前台灣在都市更新政策上,採用容積獎勵的方式,對應低碳城市策略上採用綠建築設計達到減碳目的。 呼應都市更新對於環境永續的效益影響,目前國內都市更新對於低碳獎勵措施以綠建築九大指標亦或是綠建築(EEWH)形式獎勵。相關文獻指出這些指標間部分存在高度相關性且對於排碳量的減少貢獻並不相同;另一方面國內外相關文獻大多著重於建物本身單一因子排碳量的量化評估,缺乏對於都市更新質化影響因素完整的考量。 本研究以排碳量的觀點檢討現行都市更新容積率獎勵機制與推動策略,首先應用模糊德爾菲法(FDM)檢討目前的都市更新容積獎勵綠建築指標,並通過相關文獻整理都市更新對排碳量影響指標的內容和評估模式。其次,利用分析網路程序法(ANP)構建排碳量的多準則評估模式,使碳排放量的獎勵達到公益性和合理化的目的。 分析結果以分析網路程序法檢討都市更新排碳量指標的權重。其中綠建築評估層面佔0.5937權重,綠生活層面則佔0.4063權重。評估指標方面,以城市綠化指標被認為對於都市更新排碳量容積獎勵最重要的指標,佔0.2638;其次依序為二氧化碳減量,佔0.1715;環境認同,佔0.1363以及綠化量,佔0.138。最後則以建構出一套同時考綠生活指標與綠建築指標的都市更新容積率獎勵評估模式架構。


容積獎勵 排碳量 都市更新


When facing the global climate change and urban sustainable development issues, urban regeneration promotes the redevelopment of the old city region and revitalizes city functions as well as improves on living environment, it should also consistent with the concept of eco-city and carbon emissions reduction resolutions. To Consider floor area incentive for urban regeneration from the perspective of carbon emissions, the related studies pointed out the problem of lacking reasonable evaluation of the EEWH Green Building Rating System. It is necessary to review the quantitative grading standards of green building as volume indicators are based awards, to increase the factor of low-carbon urban sustainable development dimension of qualitative and quantitative-oriented indicators. The current volume of urban regeneration reward calculation is fixed which is lack of flexibility and unable to fully react contribution of multiple factors to reduce carbon emissions. This study, from carbon emissions point of view, first applied Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) to review the content and method of the present urban regeneration incentives for green building volume, qualitative and quantitative factors finishing carbon emissions impact of urban regeneration through the relevant literature review. Secondly, an Analytic Network Process (ANP) is applied to construct a multi-criteria assessment model of Carbon Emission incentives, that volume of carbon emissions reward the purpose of diversification, commonweal and rationalization. Analysis to analyze network process to review the urban regeneration carbon emissions index weights. Green Building rating dimension accounts for weight 0.5937, and the Sustainable Living accounted for a weight of 0.4063. Assessment indicators to urban greening index is considered carbon emissions for urban renewal reward the most important indicators of volume, accounting for 0.2638, followed by the reduction of carbon dioxide, accounting for 0.1715, environmental recognition, accounting for 0.1363, and green volume, accounting for 0.1328. Finally consider both places construct a set of Sustainable Living and Green Building index volume rate of urban regeneration reward evaluation mode architecture.


