  • 學位論文


Marketing Development of Green Tea Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 蔡新聲


臺灣位居亞熱帶,地理環境所產的臺灣綠茶,根據《本草綱目》記載,「茶」具有生津止渴、提神醒目、利尿等功效。舉凡種類、製程技術與發酵程度皆會影響茶多酚中兒茶素含量高低,其中又以綠茶含量最高。關於綠茶的功效,無論是從學術(期刊論文的發表)還是醫療(生物科技的研發),兩者都充分證明綠茶的多元功效及對於人體有諸多益處。 日本靜岡縣居民,因長期喝綠茶而延年益壽。在工商經濟繁忙的社會中,靜下心喝杯好茶即是享受,多了份安適自在,對於身體還是心靈的舒緩都是大大有益,況且生而為人,「健康」都是首要根本,而一杯好茶能帶來的效益如此之大,暨保健也可養生,怎麼能不好好加以推廣,運用台灣的好山好水發展綠茶的產業呢? 觀察近年來茶飲業如雨後春筍般不斷開設創立,由此可見市場對茶飲的需求日增,想要在茶飲業立足佔有一席之地,不但得應用市場行銷學打響名號,更要革新傳統茶葉,提高MIT品牌價值,才能讓消費者心甘情願買單,也讓台灣綠茶產業市場發展蒸蒸日上,逐步向國際發展。


Taiwan due to its subtropical climate and geographical environment ranks high in the green tea production. According to the "Compendium of Materia Medica", green tea is useful in fistulated ulcer, diuretic, relieves phlegm, relieves chronic thirst, breaks down undigested food, and is beneficial for the large intestine. Levels of catechin polyphenols in green tea are affected by the types of green tea, degree of fermentation, and the processing technology. Green tea is made from unfermented leaves and reportedly contains the highest concentration of powerful antioxidants called polyphenols. Green tea with higher level of catechin polyphenols is considered superior. Extensive research carried out on green tea has demonstrated its beneficial effects on the human health. In Japan, Shizuoka residents for a long time have been drinking green tea to prolong their life. In a busy society, it is important to drink a cup of green tea to refresh body and mind. Health is of prime importance to human beings and green tea can provide several health benefits. Taiwan is most suitable for green tea cultivation hence, needs more industrial promotion. In recent years, more and more green tea restaurants have been established in Taiwan and the demand is increasing day by day. Therefore, it is necessary to develop green tea types to capture this market. Also, it is important to adopt marketing strategies to revolutionize the traditional tea brands, so that these could find consumer acceptance and their willingness to buy. These efforts not only will boost the green tea industry in Taiwan, but also will help to expand it to an international market.


Marketing Development


53.Leone M, Pellecchia M, et al. Cancer prevention by tea polyphenols is
