  • 學位論文


The application of bee biotechnological products on human health care based on blue ocean development strategies

指導教授 : 蔡新聲


摘 要 爰於吾人的生技公司是以「預防重於治療」為企業經營理念,歷年來戮力於「生命科學」真理之探索與實踐,並以「生命科學」探索一書榮獲2004年兩岸四地十大傑出企業經理人;立論於沒有哲學(生命科學)的科學是瞎子!沒有科學(生化科技)的哲學是瘸子!所以要發展臺灣的生技醫學產業,目前最需要的是生技產品,更迫切需要的是生技人才!本論文將拋磚引玉,秉持「預防重於治療」為研究宗旨,去探究蜜蜂眾多產品中的蜂毒之於蜂針療法在生技醫學上對人類的終極貢獻! 蜂療就是利用蜜蜂產品為人治病,乃是我國三千多年前即有的民俗療法,亦屬自然療法;全民保健,應由蜂起,現在臺灣實施全民健保,國庫每年負擔千餘億元,每一家庭支出,亦為數可觀,若全民明白蜂療,「大地果園化,果園蜜園化,蜜園蜂園化,蜂園蜂療化」,則一切慢性疾病,幾可瓦解,可怕的癌症,亦將轉化為無形無相,數千億浪費,或將冰消。然醫政諸公,抱持「非己者去,為客者逐,他醫皆濁,我醫獨清」之狹隘胸襟,對一切慢性病兆,僅只有控制,而不求治癒! 鑒此;我們應為億萬蒼生的健康而生,為三千年的蜂療歷史文化而活,推廣蜂療,刻不容緩!現今世界各國均紛紛推廣,每年都有國際蜂療會議召開,中國大陸也如野火般滋長撩原,倡導蜂療,唯獨本國醫政諸公不察,對蜂療之功極盡污衊之能事,致逾百萬慢性疾病患者徒嘆呼呼!至憾也!




Abstract Motto of my research for Biotech business is "Prevention is better than cure". The book “Life Sciences” to explore and practice, won 4th place among the ten outstanding ‘Enterprise Managers’. Without any doubt, the potential of practical applications of “Life Sciences” and “Biotechnology” in medical biotech industry is enormous in Taiwan. Hence, there is an urgent need to develop biotech talent in Taiwan. This research study will serve as a catalyst to uphold the motto "Prevention is better than cure" and will promote further research among medical technology students on several products of honey, honey bees including the ’Bee venom’. In view of this, it is important to follow the long historical tradition of apitherapy for health care of millions of common people. Let us promote the apitherapy without any further delay! World over, researchers are gathering during the ‘International apitherapy meeting’ to promote apitherapy. In China apitherapy is growing like a wild fire. Now can this be left at the mercy of the medical administration when more than one million patients are suffering with chronic diseases? Can we overlook it to regret later?


Bee venom


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