  • 學位論文

消防安全設備竣工查驗退件原因分析與對策之研究 —以臺中市政府消防局為例

The Cause Analysis of the Rejection of Fire Safety Equipment Examination - A Case Study of Fire Bureau of Taichung City

指導教授 : 鄭純媛 孫德修


在臺中市政府執行建築法第72條、第76條所定建築物之竣工查驗工作,消防局竣工查驗消防安全設備。倘若消防安全設備竣工查驗不符合,承辦人開具查驗紀錄表告知起造人限期改善。於期限內未完成改善或複查不符規定,承辦人則予以書函退件。臺中市政府消防局2014年消防竣工查驗共收件1463件,書函退件307件佔收件20.98%。本研究採用Why-Why 分析法分析退件直接原因,找出解決對策,期能達減少退件數以減輕承辦人工作負擔。統計退件原因類別: 原因類別一、消防安全設備不符合共190件,佔61.89%。 原因類別二、消防安全設備尚未建置完成共74件,佔24.10%。 原因類別三、檢附資料不齊全無法於期限內補足共31件,佔10.1% 原因類別四、現場與圖說審查不符合共12件,佔3.91%。 原因類別一之解決對策:彙整承辦人於查驗現場發現之缺失,製作成電子檔,公佈於局網站及召開會議說明,以強化專技人員於掛件前確實檢視查驗現場是否有退件缺失之狀況並事先排除,製作消防竣工查驗設備測試報告書紀錄檢核表供專技人員使用,讓專技人員於消防安全設備測試消防安全設備合格後才掛件。 原因類別二之解決對策:製作消防竣工查驗設備完成紀錄檢核表及測試報告書紀錄檢核表供專技人員使用,讓專技人員於消防安全設備完成及測試消防安全設備合格後才掛件。 原因類別三之解決對策:製作詳細竣工查驗掛件及收文檢核表與應檢附證明文件詳細檢核表,供消防竣工查驗相關人員使用以檢視資料。 原因類別四之解決對策:掛件前專技人員應向建築師查詢最後變更設計之資料及向消防局查詢最後之核準圖說審查,並據以核對現場。


According Articles 72 and 76 in Building Act of Taiwan, the fire bureau of Taichung City Government has to complete the examination of a building’s fire safety equipment. If the examination is not qualified, the fire safety officer shall report and notify the constructor to complete improvements within a specified time period. The examination is rejected officially if not completing the improvements within the time period. The fire bureau of Taichung City Government examined 1463 cases in 2014 of which 307 cases (20.98%) were rejected officially. In this research, Why-Why analysis approach is applied to explore the causes of the rejection of fire safety examination and to develop the solution of reducing the rejection rate of fire safety examination. From the rejection records of 2014, the causes of rejection can be classified into four categories: (1) The fire safety equipment was not qualified with 190 cases (61.89%); (2) The fire safety equipment had not been set up completely with 74 cases (24.10%); (3) The documentation were not completed within the specified time period which has 31 cases (10.10%); (4) The equipment in building site did not match the documentation with 12 cases (3.91%). The suggested solutions for rejection causes are stated below. The shortages found in each examination are collected and transformed into check lists for each procedure, and announced in website of the fire bureau; then propaganda workshops are held to educate the professional personnel to inspect the fire safety equipment based on the check list to prevent the critical shortages before filing the examination.


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