  • 學位論文


The Handbags Creative Design for Different Women Groups

指導教授 : 周文智




As time goes by, women’s consumer behavior has been transferred to individual buying from family buying. Purchasing power has an important place in the market year by year. Such a competitive market may facilitate each major industry to launch on the market one after another for better understanding of women’s consumption psychology and behavior, including handbag, an indispensable product for many women in the fashion industry. However, women in different age groups may have different consumption patterns, which attracted us through this study to know more about women’s preference for different handbag modeling in different age groups, and then design handbag suitable for women in different age groups. Therefore, this study selected handbag as the research object, and enrolled young women aged 20-40 and middle-aged women aged 41-60 as the research subjects to investigate the difference in preference for handbag shape between these two age groups. And conducted a questionnaire survey on the tendency of preference for handbag shapes as perceived by handbag salesmen’s and female consumers. Investigation results show that young women prefer wide and easy style of Tote bag and square shape with wide bottom bag; middle-aged women prefer multi-functional style of square shape with wide bottom bag, draped commuting bag and dinner party gorgeous bag, etc. Further design and creation are made in accordance with the investigation results of women in two age groups. The design thought comes from young women’s preference for tote bag, It transfers the young, energetic, firm and jumping thoughts mentally about young women by leather texture and whole shape style. It is chosen handbag shape in among of the bags the middle age women like under the study to design. It indicates the steady, firm appearance and secret feelings like young girls want by leather texture and whole shape style mentally about women. The final interview study shows the two handbags satisfy the style and image and identity the type match the two age group women.


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