  • 學位論文


The Application of the Mimicry Design Methodology on Package Design

指導教授 : 王桂沰


設計是為了讓人類生活更加美好與進步,包裝設計的出現也不僅只是為了保護商品,以現在社會的消費型態來看,品牌塑造以及廣告宣傳才是影響銷售的最大因素,因此包裝設計的功能也趨向廣告強過盛裝、保護。 本研究在文獻探討中分析仿生與擬態的差異,並且將生物界中的擬態行為轉化成為一種設計方法,在設計裡使用的擬態是種以符號的肖像性去模擬自然或物理狀態,目的在強化情境或使用者狀態的表現手法,這種設計手法的使用能夠有效傳達設計理念以及促進產品銷售,因此適合運用於包裝設計上。 本研究透過案例分析,將應用於包裝設計上的設計擬態方法以不同的操作模式分類出「運用結構特性形成擬態效果的包裝」、「與使用者肢體互動形成擬態效果的包裝」與「融入產品內容形成擬態效果的包裝」三類設計方式,並且實際操作於包裝設計創作中。在過程中發現擬態與仿生的創作流程步驟有很大的差異,仿生設計是先觀察、學習並且直接轉化、模仿,而設計擬態則必需先設定好要設計的產品再來想模仿什麼與怎麼模仿。


擬態 設計方法 包裝


Designing is meant to make human life more beautiful and more advanced; the significance of package design is not only to protect the product. Judging from the consumer behavior of modern society, branding and advertisement are the contributing factors to increasing sales performances. As a result, package design now serves the advertising purposes rather than decoration and protection. This study aims at analyzing the difference between bionic and mimicry and examining how the biological term, mimicry, is applied in design. When applied in design, mimicry is to mimic a natural or physical state with the iconicity of symbols. Its purpose is to strengthen the scenario of the users’ state. With this designing method, it is effective to convey the designer’s ideas and to boost sales. Therefore, it is suitable to be applied on package design. This study uses case study to categorize different types of mimicry in package design into “Mimicry based on the structural characteristics”, “Mimicry formed by the interaction between the package and the users” and “Packaging design that blends into the product content”. The author also applied these concepts into real practice. The study finds that there are big differences between bionic and mimicry regarding designing process. A bionic design involves observing and learning followed by transforming and mimicking. A mimicry design requires a previously designed product before designing the mimicry of the package.


mimicry designing method packaging


