  • 學位論文

電鍍業實廠問題解析之研究 -1.鉻廢水回收再利用2.陽極處理廠鍍液品質控管

Study on practical problems of electroplating industry -1. Recovery and reuse of chromium wastewater -2. Dye quality control of anodizing factory

指導教授 : 章日行


電鍍業為我國之重要經濟發展項目之一,其製造的產品與人們生活密不可分,然而,生產過程中伴隨大量的電鍍廢水,若未能妥善處裡,對環境衝擊甚鉅。本研究以電鍍業工廠製程實際遭遇之問題進行探討解析及改善研究,研究工作分為兩大項目:1.含鉻廢水進行回收再利用;2. 陽極處理廠染料控管及化學拋光劑成分分析。鉻廢水回收以活性碳配合濃縮法去除廢水中油漬與雜質,再將鉻廢水中鉻酸濃度調整達到鍍鉻的製程標準操作濃度,最後以哈氏槽試驗驗證鉻回收廢水的電鍍品質,試驗結果顯示回收處理後的鉻酸能夠符合電鍍製程的要求。為了建立操作穩定的染劑濃度以減少色差品管,2類陽極處理的染料以分光光度計尋找適合的檢測波長,其分別為 600.0 nm及620.0 nm,在配置不同濃度染劑建立濃度與吸光值(Abs)線性關係之檢量線後,經與標準濃度比較,建立製程中2類標準染劑濃度分別為 3.5 g/L及7.5 g/L。此外,研究以硫酸鋇沉澱法、磷酸銨鎂(MAP) 沉澱法及火焰式原子吸收光譜儀(AA)分別檢測化學拋光劑的硫酸濃度、磷酸濃度及銅離子濃度,試驗結果顯示化學拋光劑的硫酸含量為 2.1 %、磷酸含量為 68.6 %、硫酸銅含量為 4.7% (其中含有硫酸濃度0.06%)、硝酸含量 為24.66% (其中包含微量成分)。


The electroplating industry is one of the most important economic developments in Taiwan. Many living products have been relied on these manufacturing processes. However, the abundant wastewater will be produced by the electroplating industry, which results in strong environmental impact. This study focuses on establishing techniques for solving practical manufacturing problems of electroplating industry including 1. recovery and reuse of chromium wastewater, 2. dye quality control of anodizing factory. The oil and organic materials were removed from the chromium wastewater by the activated carbons and concentration process. Then, the proper constituents of this wastewater were adjusted and verified by the Hull cell test. Results indicate that the recovered chromium solution can meet the electroplating criteria. In order to establish a stable dying process for reducing the risk of color variation, 2 kinds of dyes were detected by UV light to find their appropriate wavelength that was 600.0 nm and 620.0 nm, respectively. After building the linear relation between the dye concentration and absorbance and comparing the dye standard concentration, we find the proper operational concentration of the above dyes as 3.5 g/L and 7.5 g/L, respectively. In addition, we find the concentration of sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid, sulfuric copper, and nitrate is 2.1 %, 68.6 %, 4.7 %, and 24.66 %, respectively, by Gravimetric analysis.


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