  • 學位論文


The research of white collar’s cognition for cancer insurance

指導教授 : 劉惠玲


現代社會人人聞癌色變,「癌」在國人印象中是令人畏懼之疾病,台灣十大死因仍以癌症居冠並蟬聯33年榜首且罹癌比率逐年攀升,根據衛福部2015年統計2014年死因摘要表,癌症死亡率在20-45歲青壯年族群較20年前增加3.5倍,因此上班族也該提高癌症保障。 本研究說明癌症的形成原因以及闡述癌症保險的基本知識,癌症保險屬人身保險中的醫療險又分為四種類型,分別為帳戶型、倍數型、定期還本型以及一次給付型。 本研究旨在探討上班族對癌症保險認知之研究,採用自編「癌症保險認知之研究問卷」,使用網路問卷的方式進行調查,以SPSS統計軟體,進行資料分析,包含敘述統計、信度分析、因素分析。依據本文研究之研究目的、文獻探討與分析結果,歸納以下結論: 上班族理財方式是以定存為主,保險為輔,購買癌症保險比例不到兩成,已購買者對於癌症險的類型並不清楚,這時就需要保險從業人員的專業知識以及親切的服務態度讓準保戶可以獲得最有利的資訊及最恰當的保障;除此之外保險公司的穩健程度及理賠服務是上班族最為重視的,希望當事情發生的時候可以得到滿意的服務以及快速的理賠。


癌症保險 購買行為


Modern society where everyone smell the mere mention of cancer, "cancer" in the minds of people, it is feared disease, cancer is still the leading cause of death in Taiwan ranks highest in 33 years and won the first place and with cancer rate has increased steadily, according to the Ministry of Health, Welfare 2015 2014 death statistics summary table, cancer mortality increased by 3.5 times compared with 20 young adults aged 20-45 years in the group, so that we as a people should also improve protection for cancer. This study shows reasons for the formation of cancer as well as basic knowledge elaborated cancer insurance cancer insurance is life insurance in health insurance, they are divided into four types, namely, account type, multiple type, a principal payment type and regular type. This study was designed to investigate cancer research workers insurance knowledge of right, the use of "cognitive study of cancer insurance questionnaire" self, questionnaire. In SPSS statistical program, data analysis (including descriptive statistics, reliability analysis,factor analysis). In this study, based on research purposes, a comprehensive literature review and analysis of the results is expected to be summarized the following conclusions:Workers financial management is based deposit insurance,supplemented by the purchase of insurance less than two percent the proportion of cancer,those who have purchased insurance for the type of cancer is not clear,then you need the expertise of insurance practitioners and friendly attitude so that prospective policyholders Keyihuode most favorable and most appropriate information security ; in addition Baoxiangongsi the soundness and claims service workers is the most important,hope that when things happen can be satisfied with the service and fast claims .


Cancer Insurance Purchase Behaviour


