  • 學位論文


The Threshold Values For Landslides On Country Road No.89 Using Soil Water Index

指導教授 : 林基源


近年台灣極端氣候比例明顯增加,使台灣山區邊坡崩塌所引發之土砂災害更難以掌握,其中以莫拉克颱風所引發獻肚山大規模山崩為一例,為預防未來極端氣候下可能造成之災害,對於邊坡穩定及防災相關之研究議題日趨重要。 本研究以投89鄉道沿線六個大型崩塌地作為研究區域,以鈴木雅一等人(1979)、柴田撤(1984)、岡田憲治(2001)及陳樹群等人(2013)之研究結果作為參考依據,運用筒狀模式分析16個颱風及豪雨事件,探討事件中三筒層水位變化特性,再以不同之數據組合繪製警戒範圍,探討破壞事件發生之情況與土壤雨量指數變化關係,最後提出投89鄉道崩塌警戒值,並將結果提供於後續防災規劃上及後續研究之依據及參考。 本研究結果得出95%破壞案例發生在土壤雨量指數125mm以上;累積雨量200mm以上,該結果與陳樹群(2013)、岡田憲治(2001) 、柴田撤(1984)、鈴木雅一(1979)等前人研究結果相似。 最後本研究推估,當土壤雨量指數大於250mm,且第二筒水深與第三筒水深差值小於-25mm之情況可能與大規模崩塌有所關聯。


Extreme climate proportion obvious increase in Taiwan recent years, it caused disaster of landslide to predict difficulty. For example, large-scale landslide of Hsien-du mountain it caused by Typhoon Morakot. In order to prevent disaster those caused by extreme climate in future, slope stability and disaster prevention these about research subject will become more important day by day. This study will select six large-scale landslide those located at Country road No.89 as study area and according to research result those proposed from Suzuki masaichi, et al. (1979), Okada kenji (2001), Shibata Tōru (1984), and Su-Chin Chen, et al. (2013), using Tank model to analyze 16 typhoons and heavy rain events, and study water level change of three tanks, than draw cordon lines using different combination of rain fall data to study relationship between landslide event and soil water index. Finally this study will propose threshold values for landslides on country road No.89, and provide results as references in the following research and the disaster prevention plan. This study results show that 95% landslide cases occurred in soil water index more than 125mm, cumulative rainfall more than 200mm, have similar results with Su-Chin Chen, et al. (2013), Shibata Toru (1984), Okada kenji (2001) and Suzuki masaichi, et al. (1979). Finally, this study speculates when soil water index more than 250mm and difference value between second tank and third tank less than -25mm, it lead to large-scale landslide possibility.


