  • 學位論文


Square Street with Residential Area – Introducing Revit’s Energy Analysis into Public Housing Design in Datong District, Taipei City

指導教授 : 郭章淵


本設計以台北市政府所提供之大同區公營住宅提案做為實證設計;針對年輕族群提出特有之居住空間;嘗試以鄰里關係置入於高層住宅之中,創造都市中人與人之間溫暖的互動關係,做為本設計之主軸。本設計也運用Revit的能源模擬分析搭配設計準則進行方案評估;以期能設計出符合當地都市紋理、將鄰里關係置入於高層住宅之中,找出能源損耗平衡的高品質年輕族群之公營住宅。 透過上述的內容,本設計之目的期能達成以下事項:一、公營住宅裡呈現年輕族群的居住空間與互動空間;二、在高層住宅中建構出鄰里關係互動的模式並且改善實質生活環境;三、融合都市紋理與創造社區活動場域;四、以設計準則及能源模擬的評估準則交叉分析替選方案;五、了解鄰里空間與能源耗損之關係,並且提供改善建議做為後續研究之用。 本設計的設計方法為透過文獻分析與基地環境實地調查,了解大同區特色之歷史與人文環境;以及年輕族群的空間需求使用上有別於它者的行為模式;接著探討鄰里空間置入於高層住宅的規劃方式;並依據文獻建立設計準則提出替選方案;再將設計準則及Revit能源模擬進行方案評估,兩者做交叉比對分析,最後將結果提出改善建議,以做為本設計之設計方法。 本設計將了解鄰里空間與能源損耗之差異關係。如要增加鄰里空間的面積必會造成能源耗損量的增加。故在評估方案後須藉由綠建築設計的操作手法,列出相關的具體改善建議,以期能達成鄰里空間與能源損耗之平衡關係。並以此做為後續研究者探討節能與公共空間之平衡關係的參考依據。


In this design, the public-housing proposal of Datong District, Taipei City Government were taken as an empirical design. The unique living space were raised for the younger. Attempting to place the neighborhood relations into the rise residential, and creating warm interactions between people among the city were taken as the spindle of this design. In this design, the energy simulation analysis of Revit was also adopted, coordinating with the design criteria, to conduct program evaluation. We are looking forward that we can design high quality public housings for the younger to meet the local urban texture, place the neighborhood relations into rise residential, and find out energy-consumption balance. Through the above contents, the design objects are expected to achieve the following items: First, the public housings present living space and interaction space of the younger. Second, the interactive mode of neighborhood relations can be constructed in rise residential, and the essential living environment can be improved. Third, integration of urban texture and create community activities field. Fourth, the design criteria and assessment guidelines for energy simulation cross analysis alternatives; Fifth, understand the relationship between neighborhood space and energy consumption, and provide improvement recommendations for the follow-up research. This design method is, through literature analysis and base environmental field survey, to understand the characteristics of history and human environment of Datong District as well as the young group’s space needs which are different from other behavior patterns; Then, investigate the planning approach that the neighborhood space place into rise residential. In addition, establish the design criteria and propose an alternative plan based on literature; Then, the design criteria and Revit energy simulation were used to conduct program evaluation, and the cross-comparison analysis were conducted these two. Finally, the results were proposed to improve the recommendations to be the design approach of this design. The difference relationships between the neighborhood space and energy consumption will be understood in this design, such as to increase the area of the neighborhood space will cause an increase in energy consumption amount. Therefore, after the program were evaluated, the operating practices of green building design is required to list related specific improvement suggestions to achieve a balance between neighborhood space and energy consumption, and used as a reference base for the follow-up researchers who will investigate the balance between energy saving and public space.


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