  • 學位論文


The Chemistry and Regulatory Case study in Pests Control Practice

指導教授 : 陳齊聖


本研究探討台灣本土常見的各種危害環境與衛生之蟲害防治,尤其是病媒蚊媒介病毒而引發的流行病。近年來,台灣亦成為世界上登革熱之好發區域,尤其南部地區,疫情有加劇之勢。這些趨勢,使各類害蟲的防治,在確保公共安全衛生,更顯其重要性。病媒防治法方法,大致上可分為:化學藥劑噴灑的防治、物理性質的防治,以及生物防治。病媒防治法方法,針對不同害蟲的種類、習性、特性加以變化搭配不同方法,稱為病媒綜合管理(Integrated Vector Management,IVM),提升了傳統病媒防治的概念與措施,使病媒害蟲管制更有系統、更具整合性與參與性,尤其病媒管理的規劃和執行方面。其中包括評估病媒疾病流行與蟲害狀況、選用防治方法、確定需求與資源、規劃執行方案等。本論文以所合作之宇勝環保服務有限公司,作為個案分析。以居家、公司、飯店、連鎖食品餐飲店、學校的環境衛生防治過程,作為案例,說明實施對象、方式與防治的成效。以及,如何在符合政府規範前提下,達到病媒蟲害防治之目標。


This research investigated hazards control of commonly occurred domestic pests the endangered public health, especially mosquitoes that might be vectors of viruses and provoke epidemic diseases, such as dengue fever. Recent development had increased the importance of serious pests control to assure public health and safety. In general, pests control can be achieved in three ways: chemical, physical and biological methods. Combined use of different methods to contain the hazard of specific target, based on species and character, is called the “Integrated Vector Management (IVM). IVM had provided more systematic strategies to assure effectiveness when exercising the profession. This thesis analyzed various cases shared by a collaborating environmental service company, in order to provide examples and guidelines of practices that abide by the government regulations. Keywords: pests control, public health, sanitation, integrated vector management, insects


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