  • 學位論文


Strength Analysis of Welded Connections under Eccentrical Loads

指導教授 : 徐暐亭




The welded joints Mechanical behavior is complex, according to weld groups geometry, strength, eccentrically loaded and other factors as design considerations. This research conducted to study weld groups of steel construction the eccentrically load. Furthermore, apply the six analytical methods compared. Fillet weld analysis, there are two main methods, one is elastic method, it is an easy task to use, based on the eccentric force can be moved the center of gravity of the weld group, is resolved into a force acting though the center of gravity of the weld group and a moment. The other is ultimate design, it is complex calculations to analysis, based on the IC location depends upon the geometry of the weld group and the location and direction of the loading. Theoretically, the force equilibrium equations should be satisfied at the correct IC. Method of analysis had elastic method, instantaneous center of rotation method (IC method), AISC design tables method, Iwankiw’s method, correction Iwankiw’s method and piecewise Iwankiw’s method respectively. The IC method is the most accurate. Calculation process of the Iwankiw’s method, correction Iwankiw’s method and piecewise Iwankiw’s method are more easily than IC method. However, the most commonly used elastic method is the calculation for the most simple and conservative, but the error is the largest. AISC manuals provide the C coefficients for six specific load inclination angles only, which were derived based on the IC method. For a non-tabulated value have the tendency to linearly interpolate the C coefficient for a nonspecific angle value. However, this is not totally justifiable. Compared with other methods, correction Iwankiw’s method and piecewise Iwankiw’s method are closer IC method Based on case, engineers can be selection methods used as a reference design.


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