  • 學位論文


A Study on Government Services Innovation and Services Quality - The Case of Fengyuan Branch, National Taxation Bureau of the Central Area, MOF

指導教授 : 徐茂練


本研究以公部門服務創新與服務品質為研究探討,並以財政部中區國稅局豐原分局為例,從第一線服務機關單位探討如何將服務流程上的創新,透過服務品質的調查,評估顧客滿意度等數據,來驗證民眾對於公部門的服務滿意度是否提升。 研究結果發現本分局在全方位服務中心推動流程創新,讓民眾感受到快速、便捷、適切性。透過服務創新讓民眾認同與接受本分局的服務態度與經驗,又能有效的幫助民眾解決問題,對於服務的有形性也大幅提升。在流程創新方面,提供單一創口式服務,由全方位服務中心單一窗口收件,不分稅目全程服務,建立服務標準作業程序與作業流程,提昇民眾對服務品質的感受相對也能大幅提升。組織結構創新與管理創新方面,透過組織內部腦力激盪,間接且實質提升服務品質。技術創新上,開發網路報稅即時看,讓洽辦稅務方式數位化,提供民眾在服務品質上的便捷性。有效的產品與流程創新,需要組織與管理創新及技術創新之支援,方能提升其服務品質。創新產品與流程之服務品質,能夠提升顧客(民眾)之滿意度。


This research investigate the relationship between service innovation and service quality of public servant department and takes Fengyuan department of National Taxation Bureau of the Central Area as an example. The purpose is to find out how the front line servant department to deliver services based on the innovation process. And through the survey data of service quality and customer satisfaction, we can verify whether the people's satisfaction on public servant is improving. According to the results of this research, we found that the service center of Fengyuan Taxation Bureau deliver a fast, convenient and proper service in multiple aspect and makes people satisfied. And through the established process of helping people and gaining the public acceptance innovatively, the bureau itself is not only able to improve the working attitude and gain experience, but also assist people efficiently and sharply increase the service image of the bureau. For the process innovation, the Bureau designs one-stop service and provides general service center for tax service based on standard operation process. For the organization and management innovation, through the brainstorming within the organization, ideas are generated to promote the service quality actually. For the technological innovation, we have developed tax information system for users to provide people with more digitized and convenient service. And we find that the effective product and process innovation which need the support by organization innovation, management innovation and technological innovation can promote the service quality. The service quality of product and process innovation can promote the satisfaction of customer.


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