  • 學位論文


A Case Study of Intelligent Cloud Manufacturing

指導教授 : 詹智強


近年來,隨著電腦運算技術及網路技術的快速發展,物聯網及大數據的相關應用逐漸受到重視,各產業也將其視為未來的重大趨勢。而隨著硬體價格逐漸下降,物聯網(IOT)的概念逐漸被廣泛運用在各產業之中,其中製造業透過機台連網與雲端整合的智慧製造備受矚目,在德國提出了工業4.0相關計畫後,各國也陸續提出了相關的計畫。 本研究透過訪談個案公司,尋找企業面臨工業4.0轉型時所遇到之部分問題,建構出一個模型,透過資策會之ServBox 擷取資料,開發出一套以PHP、MySQL及Hadoop為基礎的生產資訊監控系統,以此系統來透通現場生產資訊、預測生產時間及監控機台數據。透過系上之機台進行模擬加工實驗,印證系統可行性,提供個案公司進行改善參考。


工業4.0 物聯網 大數據 Hadoop 生產監控


In recent years, with the computing technology and the rapid development of network technology, Internet of things and large data-related applications gradually attention, the industry will be its future as a major trend. With the gradual decline in hardware prices, the concept of Internet of Things (IOT) is being widely used in various industries, including manufacturing through the machine network and intelligent manufacturing with cloud integration are in high-profile, after the industrial 4.0 released by Germany, countries have also forward the relevant plans. In this study, we interviewed some companies to find some problems related in the transformation of industry 4.0 and constructed a model to develop a set of production based on PHP, MySQL and Hadoop information monitoring system, with the site transparent information, forecast production time and monitoring machine data. Through the machine of laboratory to simulate the processing experiments, confirming the feasibility of the system, providing case improvement for reference.


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