  • 學位論文


A Social Embeddedness Perspective: The Effect of Network Learning on Innovation Ability.

指導教授 : 劉興郁


在經營環境日趨激烈的現今,企業組織都努力地在產業中尋求生存及發展的契機,Gulati and Kletter (2005)訪談了Fortune雜誌所公佈的1000大企業中的112位CEO,Gulati根據訪談指出企業經營的競爭優勢,由實體資產邁向智慧資產再邁向關係資產,大企業如此,而資源相較不足的中小企業,也開始意圖透過網絡關係來獲取競爭優勢。 為此本研究輔以社會鑲嵌的觀點來探討網絡學習對創新能力之影響,透過網絡關係、組織學習、創新能力等三項構念,發展出十五項假設來對此一議題進行探討、完善相關理論。 本研究共取得份120樣本資料,有效問卷回收率為60%,研究結果發現,網絡關係對於組織創新能力有直接顯著的正向相關,網絡關係亦會透過組織網絡學習能力的中介效果,來正向影響創新能力,其中組織網絡學習能力在其中辦演著部分中介的角色,而組織學習對於創新能力的影響比網絡關係更具效度,雖然網絡學習可以提升創新能力,但還是離不開組織學習的本質,因此建構配適的組織網絡學習能力才利於組織的發展。


Under the present drastic competition in business world, business organization has search for potential opportunities for survival and development in their own industries. Researcher Gulati and Kletter (2005) interviewed 112 CEOs of Fortune 1000 companies, which indicated business competitive advantage is from physical assets to intellectual assets and then towards relationships assets. Large enterprises to do so, SMEs also began to rely on network relationships to gain competitive advantage. For the reason, this dissertation using social embeddedness perspective to investigate about the issue that the effects of network learning on innovation ability. This research explore three research constructs generated by the network relationship, organizational learning ability, innovation ability, and propose fifteen research hypothesis. In this research finally obtained 120 samples excluding frustrate ones, effective recovery ratio of questionnaire was 60%. The findings certified that the network relationship has a positive direct effect with innovative abilities. In addition, organizational learning capabilities will also played a partially mediates effect between network relationship and innovative abilities and represented a positive direct effect. The results also indicate that the organizational learning for the impact of innovative abilities is more effective than the network relationship, Although the findings certified that the network relationship can enhance the innovative abilities, but network learning still cannot separate the nature of organizational learning, Therefore, the construction of appropriate organizational learning capabilities is conducive to the development of the organization.


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