  • 學位論文

以Beaglebone Black 與 ESP8266 建構 Wi-Fi 無線控制系統

Wireless Beaglebone Black Server to Arduino Using ESP8266 Over Wi-Fi

指導教授 : 陳宏達


本研究成功實現以Beaglebone Black為主的嵌入式無線Wi-Fi網頁控制開發系統,運用Beaglebone Black開發板作為控制核心主機,使用Debian為嵌入式Linux作業系統,搭配ESP8266無線Wi-Fi傳輸模組與Arduino 微控制器來控制遠端的元件,在人機控制介面使用PHP, Python, JavaScript語言搭配Jquery函數庫及CSS來設計網頁控制介面。在Arduino程式中皆有預留一個空間用於插入新的裝置驅動程式碼,為開發者節省研發上的時間。在Beaglebond Black建置DHCP 伺服器管理所有週邊Wi-Fi控制元件,為了方便初次設定建立 DNS 伺服器,作為其他無線設備只需要利用域名登入進行初始化作業,硬體還原預設值可以用於還原系統初始設定,各終端元件也可以經由PC專用程式寫入連接無線網路所需的SSID及PSK等數值。


Arduino Beaglebone Black Web Control Wi-Fi


A web-based control system on Beaglebone Black through Wi-Fi was successful developed. The Beaglebone Black with the Debian Linux was used to handle all peripheral devices. The peripheral devices were constructed with ESP8266 Wi-Fi modules and Arduino microcontrollers. The PHP, Python, JavaScript with jQuery library and Cascading Style Sheets were used to form the web-based graphical user interface. The Arduino was designed that the user can ease to integrate with other control program. To connect the peripheral devices with Wi-Fi, a DHCP server was installed on the Beaglebone Black. A DNS server was also built that the user can easy connect to this server by using a pseudo-domain name in case no server IP was found. Otherwise, if the user forgets the server setting such as SSID or password, he can press a hardware button to force this system back to factory settings. A PC base program was used to write the SSID and PSK to Arduino devices which are the necessary elements to connect to Beaglebone Black server by wireless.


Arduino Beaglebone Black Web Control Wi-Fi


[5] Beaglebone Black Homepage, http://elinux.org/BeagleBoardDebian。
[1] Bluetooth 官方網站,https://www.bluetooth.com。
[2] Honda Chen, Chih-Kai Chang, and Yang-Yu Yeh, ”Development of Zigbee Sensor Nodes” , Proceedings of the Third Intelligent Living Technology Conference, 2008, pp. 88-94.
[3] 陳宏達,林松霖,楊智穎,林峻毅(2016),“Internet of Things Automation using Raspberry Pi and Arduino”, 2016 The 10th International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies(AIT2016)。
[4] 北美智權報,「智慧家庭時代來臨 無線聯網技術大比拼」,http://www.naipo.com/Portals/1/web_tw/Knowledge_Center/Research_Development/publish-89.htm,2014年12月。
