  • 學位論文

自構思創新經營模式擘劃La La幼兒音樂工作室之經營策略

An Approach of Strategic Decision-Making for La La Pre-School Music Education Studio

指導教授 : 楊文華 李宗政


英國Virgin集團創辦人Richard Brandson其著作《Like a Virgin: Secrets They Won’t Teach You at Business School》,書裡的一段話讓人心有戚戚焉:「創立事業需要投入巨量的心力與時間,因此你最好要能樂在其中。」幼兒音樂課-單純地想讓孩子在音樂課的過程中獲得樂趣。想到孩子們那充滿期待的眼神、上音樂課開心的神情,這就是令人永不放棄的驅動力。台灣的幼兒教育愈趨成熟,本研究將針對幼兒音樂教育之經營模式為研究主題,探究La La幼兒音樂於創業之初所必須自忖之三項問題: •La La幼兒音樂的教學產品與服務有何與眾不同的特色? •顧客為何選擇與La La幼兒音樂合作? •如何讓La La幼兒音樂的教學系統與服務成就門徒式品牌? 本文將以La La 幼兒音樂之創業者立場思考,如何藉由擘劃創新經營模式以擬定其長期經營策略。尤其是必須面對幼兒音樂教育面臨少子化、幼兒園體制之變革、加上家長意念的強勢介入,幼兒音樂教育勢必做出相對應的變革,若僅是以課程活化為應變主軸,已無法充分因應大環境的變化,而必須以創新經營模式來重新定位幼兒音樂教育的價值。因此,La La 幼兒音樂以『樂玩越樂』為創業之價值主張,成為幼兒樂音心田的耕耘者,也是La La 音樂的經營理念,由其是強調如何將幼兒音樂產業和幼兒園課程做結合,讓音樂的種子深植於幼兒的心靈之中,更讓樂音的薰陶,陪伴幼兒們快樂成長。最重要的,莫過於讓幼兒園的園長在有課程需求之際,腦中浮現的第一印象就是La La 幼兒音樂,也是本文的思考與重點。


Richard Brandson, founder of the Virgin Group, in his book: “Like a Virgin: Secrets They Will not Teach You at Business School”, there is a statement to encourage anyone who start–up her/his new business, should be able to enjoy it because the entrepreneurial process is full of hard working and challenges. The objective of children's music program, just wish the children to have fun in the courses of music. Owing to the driving force of entrepreneurship of La La Preschool Musical Studio comes from the children's enthusiasm and the eager eyes which look forward to attend our music courses. Thus, we will focus on 3 aspects to demonstrate the innovative business model of La La Preschool Musical Studio in this study: •What are the distinctive characteristics of La La Preschool Musical Studio? •Why do customers choose to cooperate with La La Preschool Musical Studio? •How can the La La Preschool Musical Studio achieve the disciple branding? In this article, we have designed the long-term strategies via the innovative business model for La La Preschool Musical Studio to conquer the pre-school music education market. Due to the pressure of sub-replacement fertility problem, kindergarten system changes, as well as the strong involvement of parents, children's music education must be changed. The traditional way of courses activation will not be able to cope with changes in modern environment. Therefore, we must adopt the innovative business model to re-construct the value of pre-school music education, which will focus on the enhancement of seamless integration between pre-school children's music curriculum and kindergarten curriculum system through the cultivation of music, to strengthen the effectiveness of kindergarten education system.


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