  • 學位論文


An Investigation of R&D Expenditure、R&D Spillover and Productivity-The Empirical Study of Taiwanese Optoelectronic Industry

指導教授 : 劉定焜


我國光電產業產值規模已在2007年突破二兆元新台幣,同時呈現逐年成長的趨勢。光電產業中各個族群的產業供應鏈逐漸形成,並產生特有之群聚效應。在2008年大環境經歷金融海嘯後,各廠商皆面臨需求滑落與供給過剩之現象。因此,如何在不景氣中,藉此加深技術性及競爭力,成為當前最重要之課題。有鑒於過去文獻中,對於光電產業生產力之探討,採用縱橫資料 (以下簡稱panel data) 以及Cobb-Douglas 生產函數進行實證之研究並不多見,亦無針對研發外溢 (R&D spillover) 進行深入之探究。因此,本研究以台灣光電產業為研究對象,探討研發支出以及產業的研發外溢效果是否對光電產業廠商的生產力具有影響。本研究建構2000-2008年台灣光電產業的firm-level panel data,並採用Griliches (1979) 提出的擴張性Cobb-Douglas 生產函數 (extended Cobb-Douglas production function) 為本研究之實證架構。並利用panel data固定效果 (fixed effect) 或隨機效果 (random effect) 之檢定方法選定最適之實證模型。除全樣本的實證分析外,並進一步將樣本分群,以探討台灣光電產業中之光資訊、光電顯示器、光電元件及光通訊各子樣本是否彼此存在生產力的差異性。 就全樣本而言經本研究實證結果發現,適用固定效果模型進行實證。研發支出與研發外溢對於光電產業之生產力具有正且顯著之影響。在子樣本之實證方面,光電產業中的光資訊族群適用固定效果模型進行實證;其研發支出與研發外溢均對於光資訊族群之生產力具有正且顯著之貢獻。而適用固定效果模型之光電顯示器族群,實證結果亦顯示研發支出以及研發外溢對於光電元件族群之生產力亦達統計之顯著水準。最後,在光通訊族群方面,則適用固定效果模型進行實證,結果顯示與其他族群一致,不論是研發支出或研發外溢均為影響該族群生產力之重要且關鍵之正向變數。最後,研究結果顯示研發支出與研發外溢均對台灣光電產業的生產力有顯著的影響,顯示增加研發支出以及產業內的研發外溢效應能有效增進生產力。


The output value scale of photoelectric industry has broken through two trillion NTD in 2007, and presents the trend of growing up year by year. The supply chain of every group in photoelectric industry has formed by their group effect. The demand and supply will reduce after depression of economy in 2008. It is important to strengthen technology and competition. There is less document focusing on productivity of Taiwanese Optoelectronic Industry by panel data and Cobb-Douglas production function and parameter of R&D spillover. So, this research regards Taiwanese photoelectric industry to explore the effect of R&D expenditure and R&D spillover on productivity. This research built firm-level panel data of Taiwanese photoelectric industry from 2000 to 2008 and use Griliches (1979) extended Cobb-Douglas production function for empirical structure. To verify which fixed effect or random effect of panel data is the best empirical module. The whole samples will be divided into several groups and verify the difference of productivity at every group. The empirical result of whole samples will fit fix effect for best module. R&D expenditure and R&D spillover are key parameter for productivity of Taiwanese photoelectric industry. At sub samples, the best module of optical information is fix effect and the effect of R&D expenditure and R&D spillover will affect productivity. The effect of optical display and optical component groups for fix effect is R&D expenditure and R&D spillover. The result will be the same as other groups is fix effect and the same key parameter. Finial, R&D expenditure and R&D spillover are effective to affect productivity of Taiwanese photoelectric industry.


Productivity R&D expenditure R&D spillover


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