  • 學位論文


A Study of Key Factors for the B&B Management - in Penghu

指導教授 : 曾宇良 李素箱


澎湖在縣旅遊局短短的七年努力推廣下,民宿間數已快速成長了近七十倍。最近因多家大型星級飯店的加入營運,致使民宿經營競爭更趨白熱化。如何找出經營的成功關鍵因素,變成業者首要的課題。本研究採個案研究法,以深度訪談、直接觀察、實地調查等方式進行相關資訊的搜集,並將資料歸納分析後發現: 一、 個案民宿成立因素包括1.機緣巧合進入市場;2.自行創業;3.增加家庭收益;4.照顧家庭。經營過程中,在軟體服務、經營理念或組織架構有所調整,具有明確的市場定位。澎湖民宿共通經營關鍵因素包括:1.財務健全;2.提供行程規劃;3.利用網路行銷;4.重視口碑轉介;5.運用自然與生態資源;6.提供貼心的服務。 二、 民宿經營之個別關鍵因素則有:1.民宿建築特殊風格;2.區位佳;3.業者具有特殊專長;4.民宿主人的人格特質;5.建置成本低;6.業者具有全方位導覽解說能力;7.業者有服務國際觀光客的能力。 根據研究發現,提出以下建議供民宿經營者或欲投入經營者參考。1.澎湖民宿經營淡旺季住宿率失衡,應由公部門做澎湖整體觀光行銷,帶入人潮增加澎湖民宿的住宿率。2.澎湖民宿主要行銷方式為網路,民宿業者應培養該方面的能力,亦可增加其他行銷管道。3.提供遊客新鮮又便宜的伴手禮,增加民宿的收入。


民宿 經營關鍵因素 澎湖


The number of B&B in Penghu has already quickly grown up about 70 times within the past 7 years so that the competition in this industry has become more intensified than ever. To succeed, proprietors need to find out the key factors. Seven proprietors were selected as the cases in this study. The research methods adopted in collecting the necessary data including the case-study method, in-depth interviews, direct observations, and field investigations. Then, the research results were derived from a series of data analyses. According to these 7 cases, the primary reasons to open a B&B business in Penghu are as follows: incorporating a potentially interesting business into the operators’ lives, starting their own business, earning additional incomes, and taking good care with family members. Running a B&B, the proprietors set up the clear marketing position for their own business. They did evaluate their marketing plans if a change was called for, planned for it and then got on with where they want to be, such as updating or remodeling the house, shaping the B&B concept, re-developing the organizational framework and so on. It was found that there were the common key success factors among these 7 B&Bs as follows:1. Having a sound financial planning; 2. Offering the services for travel planning; 3. Using internet as the primary channel for marketing; 4. Out-of-the-mouth and repeated advertising purchases as the fuel and lifeblood of the business; 5. Nearby local attractions and natural scenery, beaches for boating activities, fishing, diving, and so on; 6. Offering the tailored services to satisfy customers’ special needs. As to the individual key success factors to B&B operations, they include the following: 1. Building with charm and appeal; 2. B&B location being accessible, convenient and attractive to customers; 3. The operators owning special skills (such as crafting, cooking for a gourmet meal) to make the B&B being the appealing place to stay at; 4. The operator with a warm personality, loving interacting with a variety of people and enjoying entertaining others; 5. Low construction costs for the building and lodging; 6. Offering customer the tailored tour guiding services; 7. Communicating well with international customers and providing courteous services. Finally, the implications which can be drawn from the present study are as follows. 1. The public sectors may shoulder the responsibility with the destination marketing for Penghu to balance the tourism demand of peak and off-peak seasons and then bring in a larger number of tourists into the area to increase the occupancy rates of B&B. 2. The B&B proprietors need to manage the website design and update their own websites in viewing that the internet is used as the primary marketing channel. In addition, more diverse marketing and promotional tools are recommended. 3. Finally, the present study suggests that B&B may offer the souvenirs and gifts to solicit purchase from the tourists revenues.


B&B Penghu Key factors.




林義閔(2016)。民宿經營成功要素之研究 -以S花園旅店為例〔碩士論文,逢甲大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6341/fcu.M0220416
