  • 學位論文


A Study on Level of Resource Dependency for Non-profit Organization - A Case Study of United Way Taiwan

指導教授 : 龔昶元 陳悅琴


近年來,伴隨著社會環境快速變遷、社會議題日益多元與複雜化,國內許多非營利組織,在民間協助政府做好補位角色,但其中組織分散、資源有限導致資源無法集中運用,畢竟,沒有資源,就沒有維持生存與發展的基本條件。透過聯合勸募資源整合平台,把有限資源用在所需的地方,並協助不同之社福服務組織在會務上的推展。爰此,本研究目的在探討社福服務組織與聯合勸募間資源依賴的程度之探討,並透過灰色GM(0,N)模型分析,用資源依賴理論的觀點來分析的非營利組織的資源特性,在面對有限資源環境下的因應策略,並提出建議。 研究結果顯示社福服務組織在「資源依賴程度」構面中特別傾向「可替代性」及「控制性」面向的強化;在「組織自主性」構面中則偏重於「制度化」、「活動力」及「主體性」面向的提昇。 本研究發現,當社福服務組織變得必須依賴聯合勸募時,彼此間的相互依賴程度將會大幅提高,進而對彼此的需求也相對提高。因此建議社福服務組織可以藉由不同的策略與行動,來趨避對單一且重要資源的依賴,而最有效的策略是改變組織的目的與結構,建議可從組織內部結構去改變,調整並發展出適合該組織資源的替代性及多角化策略。也可以透過發展網絡間的資源互賴體系,創造資源共享環境,減少對聯合勸募的資源依賴程度;並透過網絡關係之運用,強化網絡主導能力,增加決策及運作的自主性,提高組織聲望及能見度,創造組織的競爭優勢。


With the rapid development of social environment and diverse issues of the society, a number of domestic non-profit organizations play supplemental civil roles to assist the government. However, it is unlikely to concentrate on the resources for the government because of the dispersed organization and limited resource available. After all, the fundamental condition could not exist without these resources. Through the integrated platform of united-way funds collection, the limited resources can be distributed to the needy and enhance the performance of service tasks of organizations of social welfare. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to discuss and research the resource dependence extent between the social welfare service and united-way funds collection organizations. In addition, confronted with limited resources under such circumstances, the study aims to analyze the resource property of the non-profit organization within the viewpoint of resource dependence theory through a model analysis of GM (0, N). The research result indicates that social welfare service organizations tend to emphasize on “Substitution” and “Control” under the frame of “Resource Dependence Extent” and lay particular emphasis on promoting the aspects of “Systematization”, “Activity” and “Subjectivity” in the dimension of “The Dependence of Organization.”


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