  • 學位論文


The Research of Optimal International Marketing Resource Allocation Model on International Trading Enterprises

指導教授 : 龔昶元


本研究在建構國際行銷資源配置最適化模式。透過文獻探討及專家意見整理出合適的國際行銷資源因素,以台灣中小貿易商為對象,運用層級程序分析法及灰關聯分析法決定各行銷資源因素的權重。並分別對目標市場為工業性市場及消費性市場作分析。同時比對層級程序分析法與灰關聯分析法對國際行銷配置最適化模式建構的差異。 研究結果發現,以上述兩種分析方法所求出的行銷資源配置因素權重排序有相當程度的一致性。在23項子因素中,工業性市場方面,影響最適行銷資源配置因素前十項依序為:具競爭的價格,通路策略選擇,產品設計,配銷商資源,貿易障礙資訊的掌握,交貨速度,產品品質,通路商控制,國際專業人才,折扣、折讓。消費性市場方面,依序為:具競爭的價格,通路策略選擇,產品品質,產品定位,配銷商資源,產品設計,促銷活動,售後服務,折扣、折讓,國際專業人才。此模式之建構能幫助從事國際行銷的中小企業有效運用行銷資源投入。


This is a research of optimal international marketing resource allocation model. Through literature review and expert’s opinion, acquiring appropriate factors of international marketing resources. Using both analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and grey relational analysis (GRA) to determine each factor weight. This research also compare the difference of two mentioned analytical methods on the optimal international marketing resource allocation model. The results showed that the two analytical methods for the factors weight evaluation have a considerable degree of consistency. The most important 10 factors out of total 23 factors in industrial market are: competitive prices, choice of channel strategy, product design, resources of distributors, trade barriers to information, delivery speed, product quality, control to the distributors, international professionals, discounts. While in consumer market, the orders are: competitive prices, choice of channel strategy, product quality, product positioning, resources of distributors, product design, promotional activities, after-sales services, discount, international professionals. The model could help small and medium enterprises engaged in international marketing effectively use of their marketing resources.


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